2023-05-08 - New feature available for promotions with code and purchase receipt validation: Add extra fields in the Requirement screen Follow
A new feature has been uploaded to the platform, which allows the admin of a promotion to request more information from users in promotions where participants must enter a code or upload the image of a purchase receipt to participate.
The administrador of the promotion can now add extra fields in the Requirement screen, where users participate with a code or a receipt image.
This option is especially useful in promotions that are launched across several shops or in different cities and users could have received codes or made a purchase in different establishments.
How to configure the extra fields
To add the fields in the Requirement screen, enter the Editor of your promotion > Participation and under the Requirements tab, if you have a requirement to "Validate a code" or to "Upload a receipt", you will see the option to add the extra fields.
The extra fields that can be added are:
- Additional text: select this option if you want users to add an open-text answer, or want to validate the answers based on a closed list of values or using a regular expression.
- Drop-down list: select this option if you need users to pick one option among a set list. For instance, to ask users in which shop they completed the sale.
By default, the field will be optional, but you can check the box "Is this field mandatory?" so that the user has to complete the information in order to confirm their participation.
Note: The information of the extra field(s) will be requested upon each of the user's participations. If you give multiple participations and want the user to only fill in the data once, the field should be added to the Entry form of the promotion, not in the Requirement step.
How to see the information of these fields once users have participated:
Once the users begin participating in your promotion, you will see the information shared on the Requirement screen entering the Users section of the promotion > Tools > Requirements.
There, you will see the codes entered by participants, or the receipts uploaded, as well as the extra field(s) information. You can use the search tool to filter by the values of the Additional field(s).
You can export that information in a .CSV file from the "Requirements" page, as well as download the detail of the Users participations, which will include the extra fields information, from the main menu of the Users manager.
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