Integration with Google Tag Manager Follow
Google Tag Manager is a free tool from Google that allows you to simplify the insertion of scripts, HTML code and tracking pixels on your website or microsite, and track and measure any event on this site.
You can easily integrate your Google Tag Manager code within your promotion to begin receiving the relevant information. Here are the steps you will need to follow to do so:
1. Log in or create your account in Google Tag Manager.
2. Access the "Admin" section and click on "Create Account".
3. After creating the account, you will need to create a container. In the 'Admin' section, obtain the installation code. It should have the format 'GTM-XXXXXXX'.
4. In the promotion editor, under the Integrations section, enter the GTM code and save the changes.
You now have GTM integrated into your promotion!
Do you want to use GTM for tracking through Google Analytics?
If you're using GTM to keep your tracking codes organized within the promotion and want to enter the Google Analytics code within GTM, follow these step-by-step instructions.
Once you have GTM integrated into the promotion, you should add Google Analytics to the container of this Google Tag Manager.
1. To do this, you should have a property in Google Analytics 4 that you have created or adapted to collect measurement data. Have the Measurement ID for this property handy. You can find it in the Admin section. Follow these steps to locate it. It's a code that starts with G-.
2. Return to Google Tag Manager and create a tag within the container type "Google Analytics". Add the Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID as the tag.
3. In the 'Tag Configuration' section, you should create an "Initialization - All pages" trigger to enable tracking to be triggered.
4. Once you have configured the tag, remember to 'Publish' the changes to update the GTM code in your promotion. You can verify that everything is working using the 'Preview' option.
This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to install a Google Analytics 4 measurement code in GTM.
Advanced: Use the Tracking Pixels functionality if you want to condition the use of Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager on the consent of the cookie policy.
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