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Latest activity by Randi-Jensen-Easypromos
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    Randi Jensen - Easypromos created an article,

    2022-07-07 - New option in Instagram Giveaways: add comments from Reels

    From today, with the new Instagram API update, it’s now possible to include Reels in your Instagram comment giveaways. In the Instagram and Muti-Network Giveaways, you can now add the comments from...

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    Randi Jensen - Easypromos created an article,

    2022-02-11 - New user feature: User avatar image

    We’ve added a new feature that applies to all promotions with login enabled: Support for user avatar images of participants. The avatar or profile picture will show in the ranking, in the header, o...

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    Randi Jensen - Easypromos created an article,

    2022-02-09 - New application: Reveal & Win

    Here at Easypromos, we as well as our clients know it; users love gamification and prizes. That’s why we’ve added a new promotion type to the ‘Instant prizes’ category: Reveal & Win. In the Reveal ...

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    Randi Jensen - Easypromos created an article,

    2022-02-04 - New Winner ‘Show Mode’ launched

    We have updated and improved the animated video to announce giveaway winners, now called  "Show Mode". It was previously known as "Broadcast Mode".  You can now customize the video even more and ad...

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    Randi Jensen - Easypromos created an article,

    2022-01-11 - Additional entries in promotions with login and stages

    We have improved the options for giving additional entries in random winner draws in promotions with login, adapting this feature to the participation stages in promotions with login and multi-stag...

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    Randi Jensen - Easypromos created an article,

    2021-12-21 - New tool: Ranking stages

    It’s now possible to see the ranking of each stage of the multi-stage promotions in the list of participants.  The Easypromos tech team has created a new tool in the list of participants called “Ra...

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    Randi Jensen - Easypromos created an article,

    2021-11-08 - New feature in Multi-Stage promotions: Sections

    We have updated the Multi-Stage promotions with a new feature: Sections.  The Sections is a new, more organized, way of presenting the stages of the promotion, grouped together by a common criterio...

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    Randi Jensen - Easypromos created an article,

    2021-10-28 - New application: Prize Calendar

    In the last few years, the calendar promotions have become increasingly popular and we’ve now given them their own product in our catalog: Prize Calendar. Note: This application is included in the...

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    Randi Jensen - Easypromos created an article,

    2021-10-19 - New stage type in Multi-Stage promotions: Descriptive Content

    We have added a new stage type to the multi-stage promotions called Descriptive Content.  With the Descriptive Content stage, you can show participants an image or a video, accompanied by text, alo...

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    Randi Jensen - Easypromos created an article,

    2021-10-13 - New limits of participants per promotion

    IMPORTANT UPDATE As of October 13, 2021, a maximum limit of participants will be applied in all promotions.   Specifically, the limits will be as follow: BASIC promotions: 5,000 users limit PREMIU...