2023-03-27 - Reveal and Win - New transition: scratch to reveal a prize Follow
A new functionality has been implemented in the "Reveal and win" application that adds extra entertainment to this type of promotion. This is the new "Scratch" transition to discover if the user gets a prize: instead of selecting the elements on the board, users will have to scratch the elements they wish to reveal, to discover if they hide prizes.
In the following video you can see what the user experience is like when participating. In this case, the user must scratch and reveal three stars to obtain a prize.
Enter here to test the whole experience in our demo.
How to configure this option in the "Reveal and win"?
To enable the feature and request users to scratch the elements to discover if any prizes are hidden, go to the promotion editor > Participation, and in the "Reveal and Win" section, under the Design tab, select the revealing transition: by scratching. You will be able to select the area or areas that the user must scratch to find out if they get a prize.
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