2023-08-16 Obtain and download a QR code with the promotion link automatically Follow
A new publication resource has been uploaded to the platform that makes it easier for the promotion administrator to publish and communicate the promotion to users: it is the tool that automatically generates a QR code with the promotion link.
In this way, once the promotion has been created, on the promotion management page the administrator will be able to obtain and download the QR code of the promotion, in order to prepare the different communication actions of the promotion, either to insert the QR code in a printed publication or on a web page, include it in the company's newsletter, etc.
To download the QR code of the promotion, click on the corresponding icon on the promotion management page:
A pop-up window will open with the QR code linked to the promotion link:
By clicking on "Download QR Code" button, the QR image will open in a new browser tab, in order to save the image and thus have it ready to prepare the different communication actions planned.
Additionally, you can add UTM parameters to the promotion link in order to measure the origin of the promotion participants.
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