2023-11-02 Accumulate points every time you participate in a Check-in type stage Follow
The "Check-in" type stages include the option to assign points to users after completing participation in the stage, through the following option:
An improvement has been uploaded to the platform, that affects this specific option, for users to be able to accumulate points each time they participate in the stage.
Until now, points were not accumulated, but a single score was obtained after participating. From now on, every time the user participates again in the Check-in type stage, they will receive additional points (those defined by the administrator in the "Give points when completing this participation stage" option), which will accumulate in a final score assigned to each user.
In the following screenshot we see that the user has participated 3 times in the stage, so he has accumulated a total of 3 points, one for each time he has participated:
Use case
A case where it may be interesting to apply this new functionality is in promotions with a requirement to validate a code or upload a purchase receipt.
In this way, users will accumulate points for each purchase made, and you can give incentives such as rewards for clients who received at least X points in the promotion, or raffle a prize among users with a specific minimum score.
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