2024-01-23 - New: Upload different stage images depending on the stage status Follow
A new functionality has been uploaded to the platform that affects promotions with multiple participation stages: the possibility to upload different stage images depending on the stage status.
Until now, a single image could be uploaded for each stage, and in the event that the stage was closed or not available to the user (due to having exhausted the number of entries, for example), by default the same stage image was displayed with a gray layer to indicate that the stage was not available.
An improvement has now been uploaded to the platform that allows the administrator to further customize multi-stage promotions: the possibility to upload a specific image for the stage, based on its status.
Specifically, two new images can be uploaded:
- Image for closed stage - No more participations: this image will be shown in case the stage is closed for the user due to not having any more participations available in the stage.
- Image for closed stage - By date: this image will be displayed in case the stage is closed because of the dates configured in the stage itself.
You will find these two options by accessing the "Options" tab of each stage:
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