Tutorial: Manual Validation Requirement for Purchase Receipts Follow
In this tutorial, we explain all the steps to enable the participation requirement "Manual validation of purchase receipts," which requires users to upload a receipt from a completed purchase in order to participate.
With this feature, the promotion’s users manager allows the administrator to access the uploaded receipt photos at any time. Additionally, the pre-moderation tool can be enabled so that receipts remain pending for review and manual validation by a moderator.
These are the contents of the tutorial:
How to Enable the Manual Validation Requirement for Purchase Receipts
Pre-Moderation Tool for Purchase Receipts
How to Manage Participants and Their Receipts
1. Introduction
Organizing an exclusive promotion among consumers is one of the most effective strategies to engage and reward our customers. With this goal in mind, Easypromos provides brands and companies with a range of tools and functionalities to organize exclusive campaigns among a brand's customers. And, in this scenario, the requirement to upload a purchase receipt comes into play, where users are asked to provide proof of purchase before being able to participate.
To do this, users must upload a photo of the receipt or proof of purchase. In this way, only users who upload a valid receipt will be eligible for the established reward, which could be winning a direct prize, spinning a Prize Wheel, entering a giveaway, etc.
The purchase receipt pre-moderation tool allows for the manual validation of the photos of the receipts uploaded by users. In this way, when the user uploads the image of the receipt, it will be pending review, and a promotion moderator will have a console to review pending receipts and accept or reject them.
This tool is especially useful in promotions where a direct prize is assigned after participating, where due to the characteristics of the receipts, it is not possible to automatically verify if the receipts are valid. In this way, the promotion administrator can ensure that only users whose receipts have been accepted as valid will be eligible for a prize.
2. How to Enable the Manual Validation Requirement for Purchase Receipts
Here are the steps to enable the Manual Validation of Purchase Receipts requirement:
1. Go to Editor > Pages > Participation. Click on the promotion stage:
2. Next, click on the "Requirements" tab:
3. Then, select the participation requirement "Purchase Receipt (Manual Validation)":
4. Decide how often you want to apply the requirement. You can choose whether users need to upload a receipt every time they participate or only the first time:
5. Customize the content of the receipt upload screen that users will see:
1. Image Field Title: This is the title that will appear in the field where the user will click to upload their receipt.
2. Enable Pre-Moderation of Purchase Receipts: This option allows you to validate the purchase receipts uploaded by users. When the user uploads an image of their receipt, it will be marked as pending review, and a promotion moderator will have access to a console to review the pending receipts and either approve or reject them. The user will receive an email once their receipt has been approved or rejected. If approved, the user can continue participating in the promotion. If rejected, the user can submit a new receipt. In Section 3 of this tutorial, we explain in detail how the pre-moderation tool for purchase receipts works.
3. Automatic Validation of Purchase Receipt with AI: In the White Label version, an AI-based automatic receipt validation system is included, allowing the administrator to configure a set of rules and conditions that the purchase receipt must meet to be considered valid. If you wish to activate this option, you must change the participation requirement to "Upload Purchase Receipt (Automatic Validation)".
4. Additional Fields: This feature allows you to add extra fields to the requirements page to collect more information from users beyond the purchase receipt. For example, you can ask the customer which store of the brand they made the purchase from.
5. Content Customization: This option enables you to customize the title, header image, and the "Participate" button text that appear on the Requirements page.
3. Purchase Receipt Pre-Moderation Tool
The purchase receipt pre-moderation tool is specifically designed for promotions that assign a prize immediately after participation, such as a prize wheel, scratch and win, or a promotion for assigning a promotional coupon.
3.1. User experience
Below, we describe the user participation flow in case the pre-moderation of purchase receipts system is enabled:
- The user will access the promotion and upon reaching the Requirement screen, they will need to upload the image of the purchase receipt.
- After uploading the image, the user will see a message on the screen indicating that their receipt has been registered and is pending review by the promotion organizer.
- The promotion organizer will have a console to review pending receipts and accept or reject them.
- The user will receive an email when their receipt has been approved or rejected.
- If approved, the user can continue participating in the promotion, whether spinning the Prize Wheel, playing Scratch & Win, completing their participation to enter the final giveaway, etc.
- If rejected, the user can access the promotion again to upload a new receipt.
Below, we show in the following video how the purchase receipt pre-moderation tool works, both from the perspective of the user participating in the promotion and from the perspective of the moderator responsible for verifying the receipts uploaded by users:
3.2. Configuration Options for the Purchase Receipt Pre-Moderation Tool
Below, we outline the steps to enable and configure the purchase receipt pre-moderation tool:
1. Check the option "Enable receipt receipt premoderation":
2. Next, click on "Edit settings" to access the different configuration options:
3. Below are the configuration options you will find available:
1. Message to user after uploading the receipt: After uploading the photo of the receipt, the user will see a message on the screen indicating that their receipt has been received and is pending review. Through this option, you can customize this message shown to the user.
2. Moderator instructions: You can add instructions for the person responsible for moderating the receipt photos. This message will appear in the receipt review console. You can use it, for example, to indicate the criteria that receipts must meet (minimum amount, store name included, valid date, etc.).
3. Rejection reason: You can add the main reasons for rejecting the receipt photo, so the moderator can indicate the reason with just one click.
4. Enable "Other" field: In the receipt rejection reasons window, this option allows you to add a text field to add other reasons or comments.
5. Notification upon receiving a new receipt: Allows entering one or more email addresses to receive a notification when a user uploads a new purchase receipt.
6. Sending emails to users: By default, the system will automatically send an email upon receipt approval. From this section, you can customize the message that will be sent to the user. Additionally, you can also enable the "Mail on rejection", which will be sent to the participant when their receipt is rejected.
Tip! Enhance the email message with smart-tag insertion for greater customization. Some ideas:
- In the "Mail on acceptance," add the "Participations assigned" smart-tag to indicate the number of extra participations they have won for the final draw.
- In the "Mail on rejection," add the "Rejection reason" smart-tag to inform the user why their receipt was not accepted.
7. Maximum number of pending receipts per user: This option allows setting the maximum limit of receipts that a user can have pending review. By default, the limit is 1, with a maximum of 10. It is an option that works as a measure to control system abuse and spam.
8. Multi-participation assignment on receipt acceptance: This option allows pre-moderators to assign more than one participation per receipt. For this, there is a unit selector that allows specifying the number of additional participations granted to the user.
Example: You could give 5 additional participations to a draw or 5 additional spins to the Prize Wheel if the receipt amount exceeds 50€.
9. Complete participation from the email: Upon accepting their receipt, the user will receive an automatic email containing a button to finalize their participation. If this option is not selected, when the moderator accepts the receipt, the system will automatically complete the user's participation, so no further action is required.
- In case of assigning additional entries for a direct prize promotion, such as a prize wheel or a scratch-and-win, it is recommended to activate this option. This way, when the user uploads the receipt, the moderator will review it later and, once accepted, the user will receive an email instructing them to click the button to spin the prize wheel.
- In case of assigning additional entries for a final draw, it is not recommended to activate the "Complete Participation via Email" option. In this case, after uploading the receipt, the reviewer will validate it, and if accepted, the user will receive an email indicating that their receipt has been validated. The system will then automatically add the defined number of additional entries, and the user will not need to take any further action.
3.3. When is it useful to enable the purchase receipt pre-moderation system?
Below are the two most common use cases where it may be useful to enable the purchase receipt pre-moderation system:
- In promotions that offer a direct prize, such as a Spin the wheel promotion, a Sracth&win promotion, etc. where validating the purchase receipt is essential before allowing the user to try their luck and claim a prize.
- In promotions where, due to their nature and characteristics, it is particularly useful to be able to manually review the validity of the receipt to apply certain actions based on the receipt amount. For example:
- In the "Stamp Card" application: Being able to assign 2 stamps based on the receipt amount.
- Assigning 5 entries to a final giveaway based on the amount.
- Give 3 spins on a Prize Wheel based on the amount.
Below are some usage examples:
- Prize Wheel where spinning is only possible when a valid receipt is uploaded: The user uploads a purchase receipt and sees a "receipt under review" message. The administrator reviews the receipt and, upon acceptance, the user receives an email with a button to spin the Wheel.
- Promotion with final giveaway where extra entries are manually given in the giveaway based on the receipt amount: The user uploads a purchase receipt and sees a "receipt under review" message. The administrator reviews the receipt and, upon acceptance, the user is notified via email that their receipt has been accepted, and X extra entries have been assigned to the giveaway.
3.4. What is the user experience like?
The user participates in a Prize Wheel, where they are required to upload a photo of a valid purchase receipt before being able to spin the wheel and have a chance to win a prize. Upon reaching the Requirement page, the user will upload the image of the purchase receipt:
After uploading the receipt image, the user will see on the screen a message confirming that their receipt has been uploaded successfully and is pending review:
Once the moderator has validated their receipt and marked it as accepted, the user will receive the email configured by the promotion administrator, with a button to access the promotion and thus spin the Prize Wheel:
4. How to manage participants and their purchase receipts
4.1. Viewing receipts uloaded by users
While the promotion is active, you can monitor and manage participants and the purchase receipts they validate on the Requirement screen. All purchase receipts validated by the system will be collected in the "Requirements" tool, located in the "Users" section of the promotion.
Upon access, a list will be displayed with all the purchase receipts that have been validated by the system.
4.2. Validation of Purchase Receipts from the Pre-Moderation Tool
Additionally, if pre-moderation of purchase receipts has been enabled, the moderator will have access to the console or tool for reviewing and moderating receipts in the promotion management page. Upon access, the system will indicate the receipts that are pending review.
Upon accessing the pre-moderation tool, the moderator will first see all the receipts that are pending review. The moderator must click on the "Review" button to start moderating a receipt.
Upon clicking, a window will open where the moderator will have the following moderation tools:
1. Receipt view: Click the magnifying glass to open and view it in more detail.
2. User information: The date the receipt was uploaded is indicated, as well as the name of the user who uploaded it, with a direct link to their participation.
3. Moderation instructions, indicating the points the moderator should consider when accepting or rejecting a receipt.
4. Buttons to moderate the receipt: Accept, Reject, or Decide Later.
5. More receipts uploaded by the same user: Indicates if the same user has uploaded more receipts, with the option to compare them:
Description of the Accept / Reject action
Clicking the "Accept" button will automatically validate the user's receipt, so the user will receive the "Acceptance Email" configured, informing them that their receipt has been approved and with the button to access the promotion and continue participation.
If the option "Multi-participation assignment on receipt acceptance" has been configured, in this same receipt approval window, the moderator can indicate how many participations they want to give:
For example: If you want to give 1 participation for every 20€, here you can indicate the total number of participations you want to add to the user.
On the other hand, when rejecting a receipt, the moderator can indicate the reason for the rejection:
Management of accepted/rejected receipts
Receipts that the moderator accepts will no longer be visible from the pre-moderation tool. Thus, once the user completes participation in the promotion, the accepted receipts will be collected in the "Requirements" tool, located in the "Users" section of the promotion:
Rejected receipts can be reviewed from the "Rejected" tab in the pre-moderation tool for receipts:
Additionally, from the "Activity" tab, a log of moderation actions performed on the receipts reviewed by the moderator can be viewed. Specifically, you can review the following details:
- Date of the action performed.
- Agent who performed the action.
- User's name.
- Action performed (Accepted / Rejected).
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