2024-10-16 - [Virtual Coins] New email type: upon completing a virtual coin transaction Follow
An update has been uploaded to the Email and Notifications Platform 2.0, the tool that allows the sending of emails to users participating in your promotion: a new type of automatic email has been implemented, called "Upon completing a virtual coin transaction".
This type of email can be activated in promotions that have the "Virtual Coins" system enabled, and allows you to send automatic emails to users after they complete a transaction with virtual coins.
With this new type of emails, you can automatically send an email to all users who have completed a transaction with virtual coins in the promotion, specifically in the following cases:
- Upon earning a certain amount of coins: allows sending an email informing the user when they have received new virtual coins.
- Upon spending a certain amount of coins: send an email informing/reminding the user that they have used their virtual coins.
Additionally, the email can specify the number of coins earned/spent, as well as the user's coin balance, to provide more information to the participant. For this, the new smart tags "Transaction Amount" {{transaction_amount}} and "Coin Balance" {{transaction_coin_balance}} can be used to provide this information to the user:
Good practices and examples of emails you may create to notify users about completed transactions:
1. Inform the user of the virtual coins earned
After participating in the promotion and earning a certain amount of coins, the user will receive an email informing them of the number of coins they have accumulated, as well as their current coin balance.
To do this, create a condition in the email and apply the filter:
"By obtaining a certain amount of coins" > "Greater than" > "0".
In this way, this email will be sent to all users who earn coins, regardless of the number of coins they just earned:
2. Inform the user of the virtual coins spent
After participating in the promotion and spending a certain amount of coins, either by redeeming a prize from the prize catalog or by participating in a stage, you can send an automatic email to users to inform them of the number of coins they have spent, as well as their current coin balance.
To do this, add a condition to the sending of the email and apply the filter:
"By spending a certain amount of coins" > "Greater than 0".
In this way, this email will be sent to all users who spend coins, regardless of the number of coins the user just spent:
3. Inform the user of the prize redeemed with coins
After redeeming a reward from the prize catalog with their virtual coins, this email will allow the administrator to inform the user of the coins spent specifically for redeeming a prize, as well as their current coin balance.
To do this, add a condition in the email and apply the filter Transaction Type > Spent to redeem a prize:
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