Tutorial: How to create the Free Kick game Follow
Do you need to put the accuracy and reflexes of your users to the test, in a fun challenge? We present Free Kick, an interactive game where participants must score goals, and achieve the objective to earn points. They will face a constantly moving goalkeeper, and you can increase the difficulty by adding static defenders with a fixed barrier or moving defenders for a more realistic challenge. You can also activate the foosball mode, where the defenders move back and forth, simulating the mechanics of a table foosball game.
Customize the experience by adjusting the difficulty, design, and game rules. Encourage participants to share their scores, compete in the ranking, and challenge their friends. A dynamic way to boost interaction and visibility for your brand!
Here are the tutorial contents:
How the user participation flow works
Create the promotion
Set up the Free Kick game
Customize the design and complete the setup
Points management and winner announcement
1. Overview
The Free Kick promotion is a game of accuracy and reflexes where users must score goals and reach the objective to earn points. They will face a constantly moving goalkeeper, and you can increase the difficulty by adding a stationary defensive wall, a moving wall, or activating the foosball mode. The objective is to score a certain number of goals before time runs out. After the game, players will be able to see their score and compete in the ranking with other participants, fostering competition and interaction.
In this tutorial, we explain all the steps that will allow you to create the Free Kick promotion.
The Free Kick game has the following features:
- You can choose between two game modes: "real game" or "foosball". Each option offers a different experience for users, allowing you to adjust the challenge based on your preferred style of play.
- You can customize the goalkeeper and defenders with your team or brand colors, creating a visual experience aligned with your identity.
- You can also customize the playing field by uploading a custom image or adjusting the color to match your brand.
- You can customize the messages for each game action, such as the text users will see when scoring a goal, if the ball hits the post, or if the goalkeeper blocks the shot, among other situations. You can also enable ambient sounds to enhance the experience.
- Multiple options to reward participants: You can run a draw among all participants, give direct prizes based on scores, etc.
2. How the user participation flow works
What will the user participation experience be like? The promotion consists of different pages that the user will encounter while interacting with the promotion to participate, such as: the welcome home page, the form page where the user will register with their details, the page where the Free Kick game is presented, etc. Together, these different pages will form the structure of the promotion and the participation flow that the user will follow to complete the promotional mechanics.
Additionally, as the promotion administrator, you can select which participation flow you want users to follow. Specifically, there are three different participation flows: the Identified Mode, where the user must log in and register before playing; the Visitor Mode, where the user plays first and then logs in and registers; and the Anonymous Mode, where the user participates without logging in or registering. Choosing one mode or another will determine how the participation and user experience will unfold in the promotion.
3. Create the promotion
How to start creating the Free Kick game? We present the following tutorial, which will guide you through the first steps of creating your promotion so you won’t miss any important details. You will learn all the general management options available to you as an administrator in your internal panel to manage and edit the promotion.
4. Configure the Free Kick Game
Next, you will find all the steps to create the Free Kick game.
To begin customizing the game, enter the Editor of your promotion > Participation, and click the pencil icon to start configuring the game under the "Free kick" tab. You will find the following customization options:
Step 1. Configure the gameplay settings
Under the “Gameplay” tab, you will find the options to customize and configure the game. Specifically, you will be able to configure the following:
A. Basic gameplay options
In this section, you will configure the basic game options:
- Time limit: choose the time the user has to reach the objective.
- Game mode: select the desired mode between the real game mode or the foosball mode.
- Number of goals: the number of goals users must score to reach the objective.
- If shot is missed: you can configure the option to rest a certain number of points from the user's total score for each missed shot.
B. Configure the opponents
In this subsection of gameplay, you will be able to configure the opponents that will appear in the game. The configuration options are as follows:
- Skill level: choose the skill level of the opponents from the 3 available levels: noob, normal, and pro.
- Number of defenders: configure the total number of defenders.
- Defense mode: choose whether the defender moves freely or in a barrier. This option is only available in the real game mode.
C. Configure the shooter
In this section, you can configure the shooter's options. Here you will find the following settings:
- Change initial ball position after each shot: add a certain difficulty as each shoot will be made from a slightly different position.
- Display trajectory: enable or disable the visualization of the shot trajectory.
- Heisenberg effect: enable it to add uncertainty to the shot. You can choose from 4 options: No effect, weak, normal or intense (high uncertainty).
Step 2. Customize the game design
In the “Design” tab, you will find the options to customize the game to use your team's colors and images. Specifically, you will find the following options:
- Team. You can choose whether the team is male or female.
- Goalkeeper. You can customize the following aspects of the goalkeeper:
- Defenders. You can customize the following aspects of the defending opponents:
- Field. Customize the following aspects of the game field:
- Reaction Messages: you can configure different reaction messages for actions that occur in the game.
- Sound effect: you can disable sounds, include a goal sound in morse when scoring, or upload background music.
Step 3. Instructions Screen
In the "Instructions" tab, you can customize the screen that will appear before starting to play. This screen can be customized with the following elements:
- Image: this image will serve as the header image.
- Description: this field can be used to provide instructions or additional information to help players interact with the game.
- "Start" Button: customize the text on the button.
Additionally, you can disable the Instructions screen altogether.
Step 4. Score screen
In the "Score screen" tab, you can customize the colors and texts that will appear on the screen the user will access after participating in the game. This screen shows the user a summary of their game with the score obtained. You can customize the following elements:
- Game OK: you can configure a feedback text that the user will see once the game ends.
- Game KO - Partial Success: you can configure a feedback text that the user will see if they did not reach the goals objective.
- Image: you can upload an image on the final screen, in each of the final messages.
- Background color: You can configure the background color of this screen to adapt it to the brand’s corporate colors.
- Hide score summary: you can hide the user’s score summary.
5. Customize the design and finish the setup
Once you have configured the Free Kick game, the next step is to finish setting up the other options for the promotion, such as customizing the design template with your own colors and texts, adding the legal terms, configuring viral content, etc.
Check the tutorial to finish the setup and customization of your promotion.
6. Points management and winner publication
By default, the system will assign a score of 100 points to participants for each goal scored by the user in the time set by the administrator.
Additionally, points will be awarded based on the remaining time of the participant. Specifically, 10 points will be awarded for each remaining second.
You can also configure the game to deduct a specific number of points from the user's total score for each missed shot (between 5 and 25 points per shot).
How to publish the winners
Easypromos provides a comprehensive Prize and Winner Management system that allows you to create the prize or prizes you want to give to users participating in the game, as well as configure how you want to assign the prizes and select the winners.
Specifically, for the games, there are three ways to assign the prize to the winners, depending on your choice:
1. Assign the prize to the player in first place in the Ranking. In this case, follow the steps in this video tutorial which explains how you can assign the prize to the fastest player.
2. Conduct a draw among users who achieved the highest score. Follow the steps in this video tutorial which explains how to create the prize to be drawn among the players with the highest score, for example, the top 5 players with the most points.
3. Conduct a draw among all users who participated in the game. Follow the steps in this tutorial to create the prize and draw it among all participants.
4. Give a direct prize to all users who participated. Follow the steps in this tutorial which explains how to create the participation prize to assign it directly to all users after participating in the promotion.
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