Tutorial: Manual revision of purchase receipts validated with Artificial Intelligence Follow
In this tutorial, we explain all the steps to use the Manual Receipt Review tool when the "Purchase receipt validation with AI" requirement has been enabled. This requirement limits participation in a promotion to users who have uploaded a valid purchase receipt from the brand.
With the manual review tool for purchase receipts, the promotion administrator will have access to a panel where they can review the proofs of purchase uploaded by users that, for some reason, were not considered valid by the artificial intelligence. The administrator will also have tools to accept or reject them, as well as notify the user about the status of their receipt.
Note: The AI-powered purchase receipt validation feature is only available for promotions created with the White Label version of the platform.
These are the contents of the tutorial:
Manual review configuration options
What is the user experience like?
How to review pending purchase receipts?
Managing users and accepted/rejected receipts
1. Introduction
The manual receipt review tool is available for promotions where the requirement of "Receipt Validation with AI" has been activated, which requires users to upload an image of a receipt or proof of purchase to participate in the promotion.
This system works with a combination of artificial intelligence and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to recognize text in the images. This combination allows reading the information contained in the purchase receipt image uploaded by the user to determine its validity.
This way, the administrator can apply conditions or rules based on the receipt information, providing great flexibility and offering the administrator a range of possibilities to adjust the configuration to the specific needs of each campaign.
How does the receipt validation process work?
To consider a proof of purchase as valid, the system applies a set of validations to verify the receipt information. This ensures that the proof of purchase meets the necessary conditions for validation.
There are two types of conditions:
Mandatory Conditions, which are applied by the system by default to control fraud in the promotion: detection of unique invoice, detection of mandatory values on the receipt (company information, amount, and date), etc.
- If the mandatory conditions are not met, the receipt will be rejected, and the user will see a message on screen explaining the reason for the error and will be instructed to upload a new payment receipt to participate.
- If the mandatory conditions are met, the system will proceed with the receipt validation process, evaluating the specific conditions of the promotion set by the administrator.
- If the specific conditions are met, the receipt will be automatically validated, and the user will be able to continue participating in the promotion.
- If the specific conditions are not met, the receipt will be marked as pending, and the client will need to provide feedback or an explanation as to why they believe the receipt should be considered valid.
- Specific conditions of the promotion, which are defined by the administrator based on the characteristics and needs of each campaign: minimum amount, presence of the information of a specific store, presence of a specific product, etc.
If a receipt passes the mandatory conditions review, the system will then begin reviewing the specific conditions of the promotion.
This is when the Manual Receipt Review tool comes into action: The promotion administrator will have a console where they can view the rejected receipts, with tools to either reject or accept them as they see fit, and even correct information detected by the AI (if an error in automatic detection is found).
Note: The administrator can also configure the "always force manual review" option, so that all receipts uploaded by users remain pending review, allowing them to review all images before validating or rejecting them manually.
What actions can the administrator take in the Manual Receipt Review tool?
The promotion administrator will have a console where they can review the images that have not passed the validation of the promotion's specific conditions, i.e., the conditions configured by the campaign administrator.
With the manual receipt review tool, the administrator can perform three actions:
1. Accept or reject purchase receipts uploaded by users
The reviewer can see the receipts details, as well as the information on the receipt, to determine whether it is invalid or, on the contrary, it the receipt should be considered valid. Additionally, the moderator can also view the explanation or feedback provided by the user, which can help make a decision.
2. Modify the receipt information detected by the AI
One of the main advantages of the AI-based receipt validation system is that, for each uploaded image, the system can provide the receipt information in a structured and organized manner.
This information is accessible from the Manual Review console for each uploaded receipt, and the administrator has tools to make changes to the detected information. This is useful in case of errors in automatic detection by the AI.
Example: If the AI did not correctly detect the receipt amount, the administrator can correct it so that the system can consider the receipt valid.
3. Expand the receipt tags detected in the receipt. For advanced promotion configuration, the Receipt Tags tool is available, a system that allows creating an internal dictionary of words (tags) that will be used to verify the validity of the invoices uploaded.
There are three types of tags: article tags, store tags, and location tags. Thus, when a user uploads a proof of purchase to the promotion, the validation system will mark the receipt with the detected tags (for example, the store name tag). The detected tags appear in the Manual Review tool for each uploaded receipt, and the administrator has tools to make changes to the detected tags.
Example: If a variation of an article name is detected, the reviewer can add a new article tag to take into account this variation and automatically validate future receipts uploaded.
2. Options for configuring manual receipt review
The first step before configuring the manual receipt review options is to enable the "Receipt Validation with AI" requirement. To do so, you can follow the steps outlined in step 2 of this tutorial.
Once the "Receipt Validation with AI" requirement is enabled, to configure the options for reviewing pending receipts, click the "Open manual review settings" link.
A popup will open where you can configure the following options for manual receipt review:
1. Message to the user after uploading the receipt: Customizes the message the user will see if their purchase receipt could not be validated automatically and needs to be reviewed manually.
2. Moderator instructions: Allows providing more information or including a reminder with the guidelines to follow when manually reviewing purchase receipts.
3. Reason for rejection: When reviewing pending purchase receipts, the promotion moderator can specify the reason for rejecting each image to have better control and traceability of the moderation performed throughout the campaign.
4. Enable "Other" field: In the rejection reason field, this option allows adding a text field to include other reasons or provide additional comments.
5. Assign multiple participations when accepting receipts: This option allows moderators to assign more than one participation per receipt uploaded. A unit selector is available to specify the number of additional participations granted to the user.
Example: 2 additional spins could be granted on the prize wheel because the ticket amount exceeds $50.
6. Limit on pending receipts per user: Allows restricting the maximum number of images each customer can upload if they are pending. This option helps prevent a malicious user from uploading many invalid receipts.
7. Notification upon receiving a new receipt: Specifies the email address to notify the moderator that a purchase receipt is pending review.
8. User notification emails: Configure the content of the email that the customer will automatically receive when the moderator has confirmed or rejected the purchase receipt after reviewing it.
Tip! Complete the email message using smart-tags for greater personalization. Some ideas:
- In the "accept email," add the smart-tag "Assigned participations" to inform the user of the extra participations they have just earned.
- In the "reject email," add the smart-tag "Reason for rejection" to inform the user why their receipt was not accepted.
9. Complete participation from the email: Allows enabling a button to give the user access to complete their participation. If this option is not checked, when the moderator accepts the receipt, the system will automatically complete the user's participation, meaning they will not need to take any further action. This option is especially designed for promotions where the user can win a direct prize such as a prize wheel or scratch card, or must perform an additional action, like completing a game. In this case, when the user uploads the proof of purchase, the moderator will review it later, and once accepted, the user will receive an email informing them that they can click the button to spin the Wheel or access the game.
Note: In certain types of campaigns, such as a Loyalty stamp Card, it is not necessary to enable this option, so when the moderator has accepted the receipt, the system will automatically complete the user's participation, and the stamp will be marked automatically, without the user needing to return to the promotion.
3. What is the user experience?
If, when reviewing the user's purchase receipt image, the system cannot definitively detect that it is valid, it will be marked as pending and sent to the manual receipt review tool, where the promotion administrator can review it to decide whether to accept it or not.
After uploading the invoice, the user will see a message on the screen informing them that it will be reviewed manually, and they will be asked to provide more details or an explanation of why they believe the proof of purchase is valid, in order to make communication with the moderator more flexible and effective. Specifically, if the system has detected that a specific condition on the receipt could not be validated by the AI, the user will be requested to provide more information about it:
Below we show the customer experience when uploading their proof of purchase. Although it has the correct amount, date, and store, the receipt does not include the product configured by the brand (in this example, hamburgers):
4. How to review pending purchase receipts?
From the main promotion page, the moderator will be able to access the manual receipt review tool, in order to view all the bills that are pending review and decide if they want to accept or reject each. Click the "Review" button to begin moderating the receipts.
4.1. Overview of the tool
When accessing the manual review tool, the moderator will have the following moderation tools available:
1. View the list of purchase receipts pending moderation.
2. Access the list of rejected receipts.
3. View the activity and history of the tool.
4. Review and moderate each receipt.
4.2. Description of the actions the reviewer can perform
When accessing a specific receipt to review, the moderator will have the following options available:
1. View the full receipt: You can click on the magnifying glass to open it and view it in more detail. You can also access the raw data of the text read by the artificial intelligence by clicking on the code icon (Toggle Raw Data).
2. User information: It shows the date the image was uploaded, as well as the name of the user who uploaded it, with a direct link to their participation.
3. Basic purchase receipt information: Includes the store name, amount, and date of the receipt, as well as the tags found.
4. Tags and validation conditions: Indicates the tag(s) found on the receipt, as well as the validation condition(s) and whether they were validated.
Additionally, if specific validation conditions for the receipts have been configured, it allows access to view the relevant receipt details that the moderator must consider to validate or reject the proof of purchase.
For example: Check if the invoice meets the condition of having spent a minimum amount on a specific product or having purchased a minimum of X units of certain products.
The moderator can perform the following actions:
Refine tag: Allows adjusting the already configured tag, for example, if it is detected that the nomenclature of a specific product varies from one store to another. It helps avoid future cases of "false negatives": cases where the system detects that the purchase ticket is invalid when it is actually valid.
For example: The tag validates the existence of the article "hamburger" to only allow clients who bought one or more hamburgers to participate. Moderating receipts, you identify valid receipts with the wording "brg" instead of the full "hamburger" mention. Refine the tag to match the variation as it appears in the clients' invoice and validate all correct wording.
- Edit receipt: Allows the moderator to adjust the text if they detect an AI reading error (for example, if the purchase date or product quantities were not read correctly because the receipt is wrinkled or the image quality does not allow the text to be read properly).
- Add item: Allows the moderator to manually add an article that is not included in the purchase receipt (for example, because the customer has contacted externally showing another invoice).
Once the receipt has been edited, the item added, or the tag refined, the moderator can reprocess it so the system can determine if it is valid or not. Once reprocessed, if the receipt meets the configured conditions, the moderator can accept it.
5. Moderation instructions: Presents the guidelines and instructions that the moderator must follow to decide whether a receipt is valid and should be accepted or if it does not meet the promotion's terms of use and therefore must be rejected.
6. Buttons to moderate the receipt: Accept, reject, reprocess, or decide later what to do with the client's bill.
7. More receipts uploaded by the same user: This indicates whether the same user has uploaded more receipts, with the option to compare them to ensure that all participations and images are valid:
4.3. Description of the Accept / Reject Action
By clicking the "Accept" button, the user's invoice will be automatically validated, and the client will receive the "Email on acceptance" previously configured, informing them that their receipt has been approved, along with a button to access the promotion and continue their participation.
If the "Assign multiple participations when accepting receipts" option has been configured previously, in this same window, the moderator will be able to indicate how many participations they want to give:
For example: If you want to give 1 participation for every €20, here you can indicate the total number of participations you want to add to the user.
On the other hand, when rejecting a receipt, the moderator will be able to indicate the reason fas why they deemed the receipt invalid:
5. Management of accepted/rejected receipts
Receipts that the moderator accepted will no longer be visible from the pre-moderation tool. Thus, once the user completes participation in the promotion, the accepted receipts will be collected and presented under the "Requirements" tool, located in the "Users" section of the promotion:
The list of receipts, including the raw data including all texts detected by the Artificial Inteligence (in JSON format) can be downloaded through the "Export" button:
Rejected receipts, on the other hand, can be reviewed from the "Rejected" tab in the pre-moderation tool for receipts:
Additionally, from the "Activity" tab, the promotion administrator can access the log of moderation actions performed. This section allows to review the moderators actions throughout the campaign. Specifically, you can review the following details:
- Date of the action performed.
- Agent who performed the action.
- User's name.
- Action performed (Accepted / Rejected / Under review or no review if the agent entered without applying any action).
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