Tutorial: How to create a custom ranking Follow
In promotions with multiple participation stages, as administrator, you can activate the Ranking page, where a global ranking is displayed, summing up the points from all the stages and games of the promotion. From the ranking page, users can also view the leaderboards for each game individually.
Additionally, you can create custom rankings: weekly, monthly, or for a specific type of stage. This allows you to choose which games or quizzes results will appear in each ranking and display only the accumulated points of the selected stages.
For example, if you want to display only the ranking for Week 1 of your promotion, you can select the relevant games for that week, and the ranking will reflect only the points obtained in those participation stages.
In this tutorial, we will show you how to activate and configure this option in your promotions. Let's get started!
Here are the contents of the tutorial:
1. Configure custom rankings
Below, we explain all the steps to create custom rankings. To do this, go to Editor > Pages: Ranking > Contents and click on "Create custom ranking":
Once the option is activated, you will find the following customization options:
- Add a new ranking. You can create as many custom rankings as needed for your promotion.
- Allow global ranking. You can activate the option to also display the global ranking, including the users' scores in all of the participation stages.
Once you have created the new ranking, access it to configure it. In this section, you can configure the following options:
- Title. This will be the name of the ranking displayed on the final screen.
- Stages. Select the different stages that will be included in the ranking. The users' scores in the selected stages will be summed to generate the custom ranking.
Click the "Add stages" button to open the popup where you will select the stages that should be included in the custom ranking:
We recommend including the ranking name in the stage names. For example, if the promotion lasts several weeks, name the stages "Week 1," "Week 2," etc. This way, you can easily identify which ranking each stage belongs to.
Once the stages are added, only the accumulated points of the selected stages will be displayed in the promotion's ranking.
Additionally, if you have multiple rankings, you can configure manually whether or not to display each ranking. To do this, click on the "eye" icon to enable or disable the ranking's visibility:
If you disable the Custom Rankings option, all previously created rankings will be removed and cannot be recovered. If you re-enable the option later, you will need to create the custom rankings again.
2. Ranking management
In addition to the rankings displayed on the promotion's landing page, visible to the participants, the administrator will also be able to access the users' leaderboards from the back-end of the promotion. From the Users manager, the custom rankings will be available, to access the users' information and their scores in each ranking.
To access the custom rankings, go to Users > Tools > Rankings:
Within this section, you will find two tabs:
- Ranking stages. Under this tab, you will find the rankings of each created stage.
- Custom rankings. Under this tab, you can access the rankings you created in the editor and view the leaderboard of users who participated in the different games.
Selecting the custom ranking you are interested in, you can view and check rankings, including user information and scores. Additionally, you can download the user list with their scores by clicking on "Export ranking":
You can also download each custom ranking data from the User manager > Export > Ranking > Custom Ranking, selecting the specific ranking to be downloaded:
3. How are the rankings shown?
Rankings are shown similarly to the current global ranking, with the difference that specific partial rankings will now be displayed, such as weekly leaderboards.
To select the ranking they want to view, the user must click on the dropdown menu and choose the desired ranking:
Once the user selects the leaderboard they want to view, they will see the accumulated score from the games included in the custom ranking:
The user can also access the score details obtained in each stage of the custom ranking. To do this, they must click on the participation list and then click on the eye icon next to the score they want to review, showing the details of the stage where they earned those points:
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