2019-05-22 - The Facebook collaboration tags system will be eliminated Follow
On June 11, 2019, we will eliminate the Facebook collaboration tags system. These tags allow already existing Easypromos accounts to share promotions with users who are admins of the same Facebook page.
Easypromos was created as an application to run promotions on Facebook. The admin panel was inside Facebook. Because of the very nature of the platform, when a new promotion was created, it was automatically linked to a Facebook page, and all the admins of this page had access to manage the promotion. In 2014, we moved the administration panel outside Facebook. To maintain the feature of being able to share the promotions between the admins of a Facebook page, we developed the 'Facebook page' tag concept. These tags allowed all users that are admins of the Facebook page to see and access the promotion from their own Easypromos control panel.
From June 11, the 'Facebook page tags' will be eliminated for two reasons:
- For security reasons: The platform's security is currently the main priority in any new development in the platform. When a Facebook page tag is added to a promotion, all the page's admins automatically get access to manage the promotion from their Easypromos control panel. This means that it's an open door to giving other users access to the promotion, and this can constitute a security vulnerability. From now on, collaboration in promotions can only be done through the Collaboration system which lets the promotion administrator invite another Easypromos account to manage a specific promotion.
- For organizational reasons: Easypromos offers solutions beyond Facebook. Brands now create promotions with Easypromos for many different digital channels, for example, Twitter, Instagram, the brand's website, offline, at events, etc. The connection between a promotion and a brand, shouldn't be only a Facebook page but rather a more universal concept of "Organizing brand". We will shortly launch the new "Organizer" feature that will allow classifying and linking promotions by organizer, and not only by Facebook page.
We've implemented a tool that allows accounts to confirm the users that have access to the promotions they've created. This tool will tell you which users have access to your promotions through the Facebook tags system, and not from receiving a collaboration invitation. You can confirm which users you want to continue to have access to the promotion. The users that haven't been confirmed as collaborators, will lose access from June 11.
To access the tool and review if you have Facebook collaboration tags in your account, sign in to your control panel, and follow the steps that you see in this screenshot:
For any questions, you can contact the support team at support@easypromosapp.com
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