Tutorial: How to create a "Build your Team" promotion Follow
With the "Build your team" application you can challenge your audience to create their ideal team or guess the starting lineup of a football, basketball or any other sport team. Participants will be able to see the teams they have created in an image with the players' faces or shirts on the playing field, which they can share on any social network with their friends and contacts. In addition, the system will allow you to award points to the players who have correctly guessed the lineup of the team.
The main features of the "Build your team" application are:
- You can fully customize the presentation of the team: You can present the players showing their name, along with their photo or the jersey with their number. You can add as many players as you want and also indicate the background in which they will be shown: a field, a stadium or any other scenario.
- You can set how many players users will pick from for each of the positions: You will be able to define the minimum and maximum number of players that can be picked for each position, decide which players appear in each position, as well as the total number of players.
- The application will generate an image of the final team, ready to be shared: The application will generate an image of the team created by the user, with the established background, ready to be downloaded and shared with their friends.
- Automatic allocation of points to the users who select the correct final team:. When the starting team is known, you can automatically check if there are participants who guessed the right lineup. You can enable a public ranking, for users to be able to see their score and compare with others.
- Multiple options to reward participants: You can assign the prize(s) to the participants with the highest score, run a draw among the participants with the most points, draw a prize among all the participants, etc.
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The content of the present tutorial is organized as follows:
Create the promotion
Configuration of the game
Point out the starting players and recalculate the users' score
Global statistics of all players
Customize the general design and finish the configuration
Winners publication
1. Create the promotion
How to start creating the "Build Your Team" promotion? In this tutorial, we guide you throughout the creation of your promotion so you do not miss any step. You will learn about the different management options that are available to you as an administrator in your dashboard to manage and edit the promotion.
See here the firsts steps to follow to create your promotion.
2. Configuration of the game
Below we explain all the steps to create the "Build your team" promotion.
Step 1. Basic team configuration
Once you have generated the promotion, the first step is to select the sport represented and the number of teams you need to create. To do this, enter the Promotion Editor and go to the Pages > Participation section. Enter the Build your team stage, then select the "Build your team" tab:
There, if you did not create the promotion by selecting a pre-configured template, you will need to select the sport of the promotion: for football or basketball, a template will be generated to help you with the configuration. You can also create teams for any other sport. Select then the number of teams you want to create (Maximum 2 teams to be presented in the playing field):
Once your team is created, you will see its basic configuration options:
- Name of the team.
- Initials/short name of the team.
- Image of the team, which will allow you to upload, for example, the team badge.
Step 2. Edit the team players
Once the basic options are configured, the next step is to configure the team players. There, you will upload the names of all the players, along with their photo or their jersey with their number as well as establishing how many players users will pick for each position to create their team.
To do this, click on the "Edit players" button:
The following two configuration tabs will appear:
A. "Players" tab: Add all the players of your team and present them with their name and an image, which can be their photo or the jersey with their number. You can add as many players as you want. To add players, you have two options:
1. Manually add the players. To do this, click on the "Add player" button. With just one click, you will add a new element under the list of players, so you can edit the name, image and t-shirt number of the player.
2. Add the players in batch. This option allows you to add all players at once, through one of the following two options:
a. Add in bulk based on text: A text field will open where you can enter the list of players' names (one player name per line).
b. Add in bulk based on the players images: A file selector will open that will allow you to upload all player images at once, to create all the players on your team.
Tip! Player names will be automatically generated from the name of the image files.
In case you add players in batch, once uploaded, you can edit each player individually in case you need to modify their name or add their jersey number:
B."Positions" tab: From this section you can define the minimum and maximum number of players that participants can pick for each field position. To do this, you can decide which players appear in each position, as well as the total number of players that the user's teams will be composed of. In this way, participants will be able to configure a complete team and the application will control that the number of players in the team is correct.
To define the players that will appear in each position of the field, enter each position:
You will see the following options:
1. Name of the position: Goalkeeper, defenders, strikers, etc.
2. Minimum number of players that participants must select for this position.
3. Maximum number of players that participants must select for this position.
4. Background color: color of the background shown to highlight the players selected by the user to enter the team. In case you did not upload an image for each player, this will also be the color of the jersey or box presenting the player.
5. Text color: color used for the initials or jersey numbers in case you did not upload an image of the players.
6. Background image: This is the default image that will be displayed when players do not have an image of their own. This image will be displayed under a frame. By default the frame has a t-shirt shape:
Click the "Info" button for instructions on creating each player’s background image (these instructions are intended for a graphic designer):
Note: If you plan on uploading an image for each of the players, you do not need to upload a background image here.
7. "Add players" button: define here the players that you want to present in each position, which will be the ones that users will be able to select to assemble their team. To do this, click the "Add players" button: a pop-up window will open, where you can select which players you want to show in this specific position:
Once the selection of players for this position is confirmed, they will appear in the list of players:
Note: Repeat these steps for each of the positions, to define in which field position you want to show each of the players of your team.
Once each player’s positions are defined, they will appear in the game as follows:
Step 3. Customize design options
Go back to the Build your team menu and enter the "Design" tab, where you can configure and customize the design of the game. Specifically, the following options will be available:
1. Background image: you can upload the image of the background where the players will be presented, whether it is a football field, a basketball court or any other scenario.
2. Player scale: allows you to increase or reduce the player's image size in the background image.
3. Player style: this option allows you to define how you want to show the players in the background image. You can configure one of the following options:
- No mask (option selected by default): This option will present the images of the players you have uploaded without any mask or frame:
- Circle mask: This option will add a circular frame to present the image of the players.
- Square mask: This option will add a square frame to present the player image.
- T-shirt mask: This option will add a t-shirt frame to present the image of the players.
4. Hide players name in the field: In case the player image already contains the name of each player (for example, in their jerseys) you can check this option to not repeat the name of the player.
5. Allow manual positioning of players on the pitch: by selecting this option, participants will be able to adjust the position of players on the field manually dragging and dropping each player. This option is ideal when you want users to create their ideal team, placing the players on the field as wished. If you do not select this option, players will be automatically displayed in the areas you have marked for each position. Participants will not be able to adjust the position of players.
6. Margins: you can adapt the size of the margins to block the sides of the field, so players can’t be placed in those areas. You will see the blocked areas in red in the side preview.
Tip! Use these areas to add logos or important information within the background image itself: players won’t be placed there and therefore the information will always remain visible.
Step 4. Define viral content
The application generates an image of the final team configured by the participant, with the established background image, which the participant can download and share with friends after their participation in the promotion:
Under the "Share" tab you can configure the viral content that will be displayed when users share their team. Specifically, you will be able to configure the viral content of two different pages:
1. Page after creating the team. This is the page that the users will visualize after creating their team, with the image of their final team, ready to be downloaded. In this screen, users will also see the details of the players selected in each position. In this page you can customize the following contents:
- Introduction message of the page.
- Label for the “Share” CTA button.
- Content when sharing: customize here the content shown when the users share their team with their friends, posting it on their social accounts or sending it via messages/email.
2. Destination page of the shared link: this is the page accessed by clicking on the link shared by a participant, which shows the image of the team created by the participant and the action button for the new user to go to the promotion to create their own team. In this page you can customize the following contents:
- Introduction message of the page.
- Label for the “Build my team CTA button.
Step 5. Run a test of the game
Finally, under the “Test the game” tab, you will be able to run as many tests of the game as needed before launching the promotion.
3. Point out the starting players and recalculate the users' scores
When the starting team is revealed, you can automatically review if there are participants who have guessed the correct lineup. To do this, you will have to enter again the promotion editor to indicate the players who were selected in the team and update participations.
To do this, enter the Participation section > Edit the stage > Build your team, enter the "Build your team" tab then select the "Winner team" tab, where you can select the players that form the final team, following the steps below:
1. The first step is to select the players. Pick the players of the final team for each of the positions and click the "Confirm" button to confirm the selection of players.
2. Once the team is confirmed, you will need to select the "Scoring Mode". You can choose between two scoring modes, which will determine the way in which users will get points in the promotion:
- Per player: One point will be given for each player selected appearing on the final team, even if the position does not match.
- Per player and position: One point will be given for each player who appears on the final team only if the position selected by the user is the correct one: the same as the player's position in the final team.
3. Finally, click the "Recalculate Points" button to update participants' scores. In a popup window, you will be able to follow the updating process and see how many participant results are being updated.
Once the scores are recalculated, the list of participants and the corresponding file you can download will show the points obtained by each user. Use the filter and sort tool to see how many participants have guessed all the team members, and review scores.
4. Optionally, you can also publish a page with the winning team, so that participants can see directly by entering in the promotion the final team.
4. Global statistics of all players
As the administrator, you will be able to publish a page with all the statistics of the players, to see who were the ones most voted by users. To do this, access the "Statistics" tab.
You can decide who will be able to see the statistics of the page:
- Yes, visible to all: It will be visible to all users, both participants and visitors.
- Yes, only visible to participants: the statistics will only be visible to users who participate in the promotion.
There, you will also be able to configure the link title and the public description of the statistics page.
5. Customize the general design and finish the configuration
Once you have configured the Build your team game, the next step is to finish the configuration of the other options and pages of the promotion: add your own colors to the template, customize the texts, the introduction of Terms &Conditions, etc.
See here the tutorial to finalize the configuration and customization of your promotion.
6. Winners publication
Easypromos provides a complete Prize and Winner Management system that will allow you to create the prize or prizes that you want to give to the users who participate in the promotion, as well as configure how you want to assign the prizes and select the winners.
Specifically, you have three ways to assign the prize to the winners, depending on your choice:
1. Assign the prize to the player in the first position of the Ranking. In this case, follow the steps in this videotutorial that explains how you will be able to assign the prize to the player faster.
2. Carry out a raffle among the users who have obtained the higher score. Follow the steps in this videotutorial that explains how you can create the prize to be drawn among the players with the highest score, or for example, the best 5 players.
3. Carry out a raffle among all users who have participated in the promotion. Follow the steps in this tutorial to create the prize and raffle it among all the participants.
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