2023-08-16 New entry form field: "Identity document" with automatic validation Follow
Until now, when the promotion administrator wanted to ask users to write their identity document, a new "Additional text field" was used to which a regular expression had to be applied, a pattern used to find a certain combination of characters within a string of text. Thus, the regular expression checked that the value entered by the user in the text field had the correct format (for example, the format of the US social security number).
To facilitate the validation of the identity document of users, a new text field was added today: the "Identity document". This new field comes with pre-defined validation rules that allow to automatically verify that the identity document that the user writes when participating in the promotion complies with the configured identity document format. This options allows you to save time, as you will not have to generate a regular expression to ensure that the user writes a correct value: in this case, the system itself will automatically apply the validation to confirm that the ID indicated by the participant is correct as well as check that the entered value has not been previously entered.
To do this, it will only be necessary to indicate which identity document must be validated, and the system will confirm that the value entered by the users in the registration form complies with the corresponding format.
Note: The value entered by the user must be unique, that is, it must not have been previously entered by another user in the promotion. For security reasons, the data entered by users will never be shown to other users of the promotion.
Follow the steps shown below to use the Identity document field with automatic validation:
1. Add a new field in your Entry from, and select the "Identity document" field type:
3. A pop-up window will open, which allows you to choose the type of identification document(s) that you want to validate. Select the country where the promotion will be launched and the system will display all the identification documents that can be validated for that specific country:
4. Add the document type(s) to be validated.
Users will need to enter a valid identity document, which will be confirmed against the list of documents included in the configuration:
Note: The new "Identity document" is only available for promotions that work with the Login system. It is not available for Easypromos Classic promotions.
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