2023-09-14 - New user concurrency limit Follow
The "User concurrency limit" system has been implemented, a security control on the number of simultaneous users who can access a promotion. This limit is measured by requests per minute. A request is an action performed by a user, such as accessing one of the promotion pages, submitting a form, playing a game, etc.
The concurrency limits depend on the plan contracted by the client and are:
- Basic/BasicPRO Plan (or individual Basic promotion): 50 requests per minute per promotion.
- Premium Plan (or Individual Premium promotion): 150 requests per minute per promotion.
- White Label Plan (or individual White Label promotion): 300 requests per minute per promotion.
- Corporate Plan: 800 requests per minute per promotion.
What happens when the concurrency limit is exceeded in a promotion?
When the limit of users per minute is reached in a promotion, new incoming users are redirected to the "Waiting room", a screen where users are instructed to try it again later.
The design of Waiting Room screen can be customized from the Promotion Editor: the texts, the image, the background color as well as the text color can be edited. A countdown can also be enabled.
How long is the Waiting Room activated?
The concurrency limit is calculated every minute. In this way, every 60 seconds, it is evaluated if the promotion is still above the max attendance limit, and the concurrency limit is applied again.
Is it possible to know how many users have accessed the Waiting Room?
Yes, in the event that the promotion has exceeded the concurrency limit at any time, the system will internally record the visits of users who have been automatically redirected to the Waiting Room page. These visits will be reflected in the Promotion Statistics module so that the administrator can incorporate this data into their reports.
See here more about how the user concurrency limit works in a promotion.
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