Tutorial: How to create an Instant Win promotion Follow
The "Instant Win" application will allow you to distribute prizes immediately among your followers. Users will play to try their luck and will instantly find out if they have won any of the prizes.
The content of the tutorial is as follows:
General description
How is the participation flow of the user
Create the promotion
Create the prizes of the promotion
Schedule the prize assignment
General settings of the promotion
Define a message to non-winners
Customize the design and finish the settings
Manage and publish the contest winners
1. General description
Instant Win promotions allow you to reward those users who register for the promotion at specific times defined by the administrator.
Through a simple form, you can program in advance the exact dates, hours, minutes and seconds in which you want the prizes to be distributed or, if you prefer, you can also let the application decide randomly when they will deliver the prizes.
How are the prizes assigned to the participants?
Prizes will be awarded to the first user who signs up for the promotion at the exact moment that coincides with a winning moment. If no user is registered at that time, the prize will be assigned to the first user to enter.
Example: you have defined 1 instant win at 10h:00m:00s. User A signs in at 09h:59m:59s. User B registers at 10h:00m:01s. User C registers at 10h:00m:02s. In this case, the prize would be assigned to user B.
With Instant Win promotions the user will immediately discover if he has won any of the prizes. You can decide if you want the user to participate more than once, thus increasing the chances of winning a prize and, in this case, you can define the frequency of participation.
2. How is the participation flow of the user
What will the user experience be like? The promotion is made up of different pages that the user will find when interacting with the promotion to participate, such as: the initial welcome page, the registration page, where the user will register with their data, the final page where the user discovers if he/she has won a prize or not, etc. As a whole, the different pages will make up the structure of the promotion and the flow of participation that the user will follow to complete the promotional mechanics of the promotion.
In addition, as an administrator you can select which participation flow you want users to follow. Specifically, there are three different participation flows: Identified Mode, where the user must identify and register before being able to spin the Wheel; Visitor Mode, where the user first spins the Wheel and then identifies and registers in order to claim their prize; and Anonymous Mode, where the user participates without identifying himself or registering. The choice of one modality or another will determine how the user's participation and experience in the promotion will be.
3. Create the promotion
How to start creating the Instant win promotion? We present the following tutorial that will allow you to know the first steps to create your promotion so that you do not miss any important point. You will learn all the general management options that you have available as an administrator in your internal dashboard to manage and edit the promotion.
4. Create the prizes of the promotion
Once you have customized the different pages of the promotion, the next step is to create your prizes.
Follow the steps below to create Instant Win prizes:
1. Go toEditor:
2. Next, go to Prizes > Prize inventory. In this section you will see that you have already created 3 prizes as an example so that the process of creating the prizes is easier for you.
3. Below you will find all the following configuration tabs:
A. “Options tab”: In this tab you’ll find all the options to set up the properties of the prize:
1. Name of the prize. This is the name you gave the prize when creating it, you can change it now if you want.
2. Short description. this is the description of the prize you defined when creating it, you can change it now if you want.
3. Number of units. This number indicates the number of units you plan to give for this prize.
4. Do you want this prize to be a promotional code?: This option allows you to convert the prize in a promotional code that the users will obtain automatically when participating in the promotion. A promotional code is an alphanumeric code that can be the same for all users or a different one for each user that wins. For the prize to be a promotional code, you should associate the prize to a codeset. A codeset is a set of alphanumeric codes that the administrator of the promotion uploads to the promotion. The prizes use the codesets to know which code to assign and in which order. Additionally, you have the option to choose to show the assigned code together with a barcode or a QR code. Please refer to the Promotional Codes tutorial to know all the possibilities.
5. Does this prize have downloadable content?: This option allows you to give content that the users can download as a prize. By marking this option, in the winner pop-up the options “Download” and “Send by email” will be added. This content can be a document (PDF, Word, TXT), an audio file or and image file. If you choose this option, you can upload the file that the users can download (max. 10MB), or point to the external source of the file or mark the option that Easypromos should generate a PDF with the characteristics of the prize.
B. “Message to winner” tab: This section presents all the options to personalize the design and the way the message to prizewinners is displayed. In particular, you’ll be able to set up the following options:
C. "Delivery conditions" tab: The prizes can be conditioned according to the user's participation criteria. In this way, when assigning a prize, the system will not only take into account a user's participation date, but also other participation criteria, such as their country, their response to a series of options from a dropdown list of the registration form or their score in the game.
If you’re giving away a range of prizes as part of the same promotion, you must create a new prize for each type. Repeat the steps above as needed.
5. Schedule the prize assignment
Now you've created your prizes, the next step is to define the Instant Win moments. This means scheduling when prizes are awarded with the Instant Win feature. You'll need to set a date and time to award each prize.
Follow the steps below:
1. Go to Editor > Prizes > Instant win scheduler. First, enable the system by checking the button "Enable tool":
2. Now let's take a look at all your options in this section:
1. Calendar / List tabs: View a list of scheduled Instant Win moments in list format (default) or calendar.
2. Add Instant Win: Will allow you to create and schedule the “Instant Wins” for each type of prize you have created.
3. Option "Enable void prizes": Allows that if no user has entered the promotion at the exact moment that coincides with one of the programmed prizes, the prize will be considered as null and not distributed.
4. Filter prizes. You can view the following information:
- Name of the prize.
- Total number of prize units.
- Number of scheduled Instant Win moments.
In the example above, there are two different types of prize: “Free course” (15 units) and “Batch of books” (25 units). The 0 indicates that no Instant Win moments have been scheduled for either prize.
3. Click on “Add Instant Win” to begin scheduling winning moments for each prize. A pop-up will appear with the following options:
- Select the prize: Choose which prize to schedule.
- How many prizes do you want to create? Select how many Instant Win moments this prize will have. You can schedule all the Instant Win moments for the same time, or give each one a specific time and date.
- Date: Select the period of time during which you want the Instant Win moments to be distributed. If you have not edited the moments individually, the system will schedule winning moments randomly within these dates.
4. When you have configured these options, click “Save”. You can see scheduled instant wins in the calendar:
5. If you have created multiple prizes, you should repeat the same steps to schedule more instant win moments. Click on the “Add Instant Win” button again. You'll be able to see which prizes still need to be scheduled:
When you have scheduled Instant Win moments for all the prizes, check the overall distribution of prizes throughout the promotion. You can change the date and time of each Instant Win moment, for example, if too many of them occur on the same day. You can choose to “edit” or “delete”:
Once the instant wins have been scheduled, you can generate a certificate that includes a list of the generated instant wins, where the following information is specified:
- All instant wins generated in the promotion with its associated prize.
- If the prize has already been assigned, the name of the winning user and the unique identifier of the user's entry are included.
The date, hour, minute and second of each instant win are expressed in 24h format and in the CEST time zone.
Additionally, once the promotion has finished, you can also export a list of the instant wins assigned to the different winners of the promotion.
Note: These two documents are only available to download once the promotion has been activated.
6. General settings of the promotion
Next, you can configure the number of participations and the frequency of participation, as well as how you want users to identify themselves to participate.
To do this, as a first step, access the "Participation" tab, where you'll see that the participation mechanic of the "Instant Win" promotion has been automatically created, called "Check in", which consists of a direct participation mechanic.
As a first step, click on the pencil icon to configure the participation properties:
Then you will find the following configuration tabs:
1. Options: From this section you can configure the number of times that users can try their luck at the Instant Win, as well as the frequency of participation. In addition, you can also check the box "If giving direct prizes on participating, users can only win one prize", which allows you to configure that the same participant can only win 1 prize.
2. Segments: The User Segments allow you to apply labels to the participants of the promotions to make groups of users. You can create several user segments in order to group them according to the criteria you need. In this way, you will be able to apply specific actions to the created user segments. Learn how the User Segments system works in this tutorial.
3. Requirements: Optionally, in the "Requirements" section, you can request an additional action from the user before participating. The available requirements are: validate a code, upload a purchase receipt, watch a video, scan a QR code or complete other stages of participation. Learn more about requirements here.
4. Instant Win configuration. The Instant Win participation is a screen that will appear to the user after submitting the registration form and just before discovering whether or not they have won an award. This screen is specified with a "Continue" button to access the result of the award allocation or it can also be configured as a progress bar that automatically redirects the user after 3 seconds.
In this tab you will find all the options to customize and configure the mechanics of the Instant Win participation:
- Image: By default, it comes with an animated GIF that simulates the process of registering the user's participation, as a previous step before discovering if it is one of the winners.
- Description: You can customize the text that will be shown on this previous screen.
Option "How do you want the transition to be?": It allows you to configure the transition to the screen where the user will discover if he has been the winner. This transition can be:
- Automatic redirection: The user will be automatically redirected to the next screen after 3 seconds.
- By clicking a button: You can customize the text of the button that will take the user to the next screen.
7. Define a message to non-winners
In an Instant Win competition, there's always the chance that a user will complete registration and not win a prize. By default, these users are taken to a page which thanks them for participating - the same page which winners see, after the pop-up announcing their prize.
But you can customize the thank you page with a special message for non-winners. Show them them that their participation is valued, and encourage them to try their luck again!
To customize the message to non-winners, follow these steps:
- Go to Editor > Pages > Thank you > Non-winner message.
- Check the box “Do you want to configure a non-winners message?”
- Customize the message with the following options:
- Upload media. You can display an image of your choice alongside the message. We recommend dimensions of 810x160px.
- Message. Use this to thank users for their participation. Remind them that they can try their luck again, if you have set up the promotion to allow multiple entries.
Note: This content will replace the "Thank you message" and the header image for users who have not won a prize.
Here you can see how a non-winners message is displayed:
8. Customize the design and finish the settings
Once you have configured the Instant Win promotion, the next step is to finish the configuration of the other options of the promotion, such as customizing the design template with your own colors and texts, introducing the legal bases, the viral content settings, etc.Check the tutorial to finish the configuration and customization of your promotion.
9. Manage and publish the contest winners
Go to Editor > Prizes > Instant win scheduler to verify how prizes have been assigned. You can view each day's winners in the Calendar, as well as in the list of prizes:
In addition, you have the possibility to publicly show the winners of each of the prizes. To do this, you must access the Editor > Pages > Winners section, where you can present with an image the different prizes that you plan to assign, and the system will publish the names of the winners of each award:
Check out this tutorial to discover all the options to publish your winners.
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