2024-07-15 - New participation requirement: Spend virtual coins to participate Follow
To offer the administrator new promotional dynamics for their audience, we launched the "Virtual Coins" feature a few weeks ago, which allows users to obtain coins or points after participating in the promotion, which they can then exchange for prizes or rewards.
We are now expanding the possibilities of the Virtual Coins feature by adding a new participation requirement: "Spend virtual coins”. With this new requirement, promotion administrators can require users to spend a certain amount of virtual coins to participate in the promotion.
Example: In a Spin the Wheel promotion, users must spend 10 virtual coins for each spin. The administrator can configure the cost of participation in virtual currencies.
By enabling this option, before being able to access the participation screen itself, such as the Prize Wheel screen, the requirement screen will appear, where the user is informed that they must spend virtual coins to be able to participate.
If the user doesn’t have enough virtual coins, a message will inform the user about this, and they won’t be able to participate.
How to configure the Spend virtual coins requirement?
To set up the “Spend virtual coins” requirement, follow these steps:
1. First, you need to enable the “Virtual coins” feature:
Here we explain all the customization options of the virtual coins.
2. Next, go to the “Requirements” tab in the setup of the participation stage and select the “Spend virtual coins” requirement. You can now choose how many coins the users have to spend to be able to participate in the stage:
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