Tutorial: How to Assign Prizes Manually Follow
Has the entry period of your promotion ended and do you know who the winners are? Then it’s time to assign the prizes manually!
Easypromos offers you a comprehensive tool to help you assign the prizes in a promotion or a contest manually. This way of assigning the prizes can be used for example to:
- Assign the prize to the user that has obtained the highest score in the Ranking.
- Assign the prize to the most voted user.
- Assign the prize to the user(s) that fulfill certain participation criteria.
- Assign the prize to a user that has been selected before a notary public.
- Assign the prize according to the decision of a jury.
In this tutorial you will learn about the entire process and features to:
1. Assign one or more prizes manually
2. Assign manual prizes as a bulk action filtering the users by participation criteria
Step 1. Search, filter and arrange the participants
Step 2. Select the action to carry out and assign using bulk action
Step 3. Publication of winners
1. Assign one or more prizes manually
It’s time to assign the prizes manually to the winners and as you already selected “By manual assignment” when creating the prizes, you just need to follow some simple steps to carry out this action successfully:
Note: If you want to assign prizes manually but upon creating the prize you didn’t select this option, you can delete the prize and create a new one and selecting “By manual assignment” when selecting the type of the prize. Check out this tutorial that will guide you in all the steps to create your prize.
Step 1. Accessing the winners tool
From the main management page of the promotion, you should click the section “Winners” in the menu on the left:
The winners management page will open which is where you can assign each prize to the winners of the promotion, see the prizes that are pending to be assigned and the prizes that have already been assigned, edit the prizes, publish or unpublish the winners, etc.
Step 2. Assigning the prizes
To assign the prizes, when you’re on the winners management page as explained earlier, click the button “Assign”.
A blank field will be displayed where you can search for the user’s name and select it.
When the user has been selected, the name of the winner will automatically show in the middle part of the page, which means that the prize has been assigned correctly to that participant. In case you have more than one winner, don’t leave this page. Repeat the action by typing the name of the following winner and so on until you have assigned all the prizes.
Note: If you select the wrong participant, you can delete him or her by clicking the red cross next to the name.
Assigning a prize to an individual user
Additionally, if you only have a single prize to assign, you also have the option to assign it to an individual user from the 'Users' section. To do this:
1. Locate the user to whom you want to assign the prize.
2. You will see the action "Assign a manual prize".
3. When you click, a pop-up will appear where you can select the prize you want to assign or create a new one:
Step 3. Publishing the winners
The last step is to publish the winners on the prizes page and disseminate the result to the participants and your community.
- If the winners are not published yet, click “Publish now” to display their names on the prizes page. The box will then turn green and you will see the direct URL to the prizes page to share through your channels.
- If you want to edit the prizes page before or after announcing the winners to review how it looks or change some text, you can click on the link: “Edit winners page” in the box.
To finish, share the result of the sweepstakes with all your followers and contact the winners.
2. Assign manual prizes as a bulk action filtering the users by participation criteria
If the mechanics of your sweepstakes or contest is to select many winners, you can use the bulk action to assign prizes manually by using the different tools of the “Users” section of the main management page of the promotion.
To assign prizes manually by using a bulk action, you should follow these steps:
Step 1. Search, filter and arrange the participants
Among all the management tools that we find in the “Users” section, we have the tool to search, filter and arrange the entries which allows you to generate filters and advanced segments to obtain a list of participants that fulfill all the requirements to be winners. Select the filters according to the participation criteria of your promotion and you will obtain a list of the users that should win a prize.
Below we give you some ideas for filters that you can apply to the participants of your promotion:
- Example 1: Locate the 3 users who have achieved a higher score in the Ranking. The prize will be assigned manually to these 3 users.
- Example 2: You can use the star to mark the users that you want to award a prize and use the filter “Marked” to easily assign the prizes to the selected users.
Note: To know how to apply the most common filters and to know more about the tool to search, filter and arrange, see the tutorial of the Users Manager tool.
Step 2. Select the action to carry out and assign using bulk action
Once we know which users we want to assign the prize to, from the "User manager" tool we must locate these users in the list and then we can apply the massive action of "Assign manual prize"
Example: Next, we explain how we can assign a manual prize to the 3 users with the highest score in the Ranking, following these steps:
1. First we must locate the 3 users with the most points, ordering by "Score".
2. Once located, we mark them with the star icon.
3. We filter the list to obtain only the 3 users that we have marked.
4. Finally, we apply the "Assign Manual Reward" bulk action to this segment of users.
In the following video you will see the steps in detail:
You will know that the manual assignment has been done correctly when you see the Winners management page with the names of the awarded winners.
Step 3. Publication of winners
The last step is to publish the winners on the winners page and disseminate the result to the participants and your community.
- If the winners are not published yet, click “Publish now” to display their names on the winners page. The box will then turn green and you will see the direct URL to the winners page to share through your channels.
- If you want to edit the winners page before or after announcing the winners to review how it looks or change some text, you can click on the link: “Edit winners page” in the box.
To finish, share the result of the sweepstakes with all your followers and contact the winners.
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