Tutorial: User Manager for Managing Promotion Participants Follow
Easypromos offers a User Manager tool to manage the users who register and participate in its promotions. From the User Manager, the organizer will be able to:
- List and view all the unique users registered in your promotion.
- Sort users based on:
- Registration date.
- Participations number.
- Score obtained in the different participations.
- Number of prizes won.
- Quick search for users by name, email, and ID.
- Block users and delete participations.
- Apply user filters and create user segments based on:
- Registration details.
- Stages in which the user participated.
- Prizes won.
- Points earned.
- Specific answers in one stage.
- Apply actions on a user segment:
- Raffle a prize among the users of the segment.
- Assign a prize to the segment users.
- Send an email to the segment users.
- Export the segmented list of users.
- Export to CSV:
- Global unique users.
- Unique users per stage.
- Awarded users.
- Advanced administration actions:
- View and filter the participation requirements
- View and filter validated codes and awards
- See the last activity in the promotion
The management panel has been designed for more effective management of participants in all types of promotions with the Log-in system enabled, be it Games, quizzes, promotions distributing or redeeming codes, multi-games, etc.
To access the participations management tool in promotions with multiple participation stages, you must follow the steps detailed below:
1. Access the "Users" section of the promotion:
2. You will access the participation management tool.
Below we detail all the functions that the tool puts at your disposal:
1. Filter system and user segments
2. System of actions to user segments
3. Participant data export system
4. User search
5. Block users and delete participations
6. Other tools
Practical video examples
1. Filter system and user segments
Click the "Filter" button to access the filters:
Below we detail the different filters that you can use:
1. Users Filters
It allows you to filter the list of users registered in the promotion according to the following criteria:
1. Registration date: Allows you to filter users according to their registration date in the promotion.
Example: You can search for users who have participated on a specific day or between a specific date range.
2. Connection country: This allows you to filter users according to their connection country.
3. Marking status: Allows you to filter users according to whether they have been marked with the star icon from the "Participations" section of the promotion.
4. User status: Allows you to filter users according to their status ("accepted" or pending to verify email).
5. Language: Allows you to filter users according to the language with which they have participated in the promotion.
Example: In case you have created a multi-language promotion, you can filter the users who have participated in each language.
6. Referrals: This allows you to filter users based on the number of referrals they have achieved.
Example: You will be able to filter and see the users who have obtained 2 or more referrals.
7. Participations: Allows you to filter users based on the number of participations they have made in the promotion.
Example: you can easily filter and see the users who have participated 2 or more times in the promotion.
8. Additional fields: Allows you to filter users based on a specific value in an additional field on the registration form.
Example: if you add an additional check box to the registration form to ask users if they want to receive commercial communications, you can easily filter the users who have checked the box.
2. Filter per prize
Allows you to filter by the prizes assigned in the promotion according to the following criteria:
1. Users who have won a specific prize. This filter allows you to search for the winners of one or more of the prizes that have been assigned in the promotion.
Example: You can easily find the winners of the draw on Day 1 of the promotion.
2. Users who have won any prize. Allows you to see all the winners of any of the prizes that have been assigned in the promotion.
3. Users who have not won any prizes. Allows you to see all the participants who have not won any prize in the promotion.
3. Stage Filters
Allows you to filter through the different stages of the promotion according to different criteria:
1. Participants of all stages. It allows you to see the participants of all the stages of the promotion in order to obtain a complete list of the users who have participated in the different stages of participation.
2. Participants in any of the stages. It allows you to see the participants filtering by stage of the promotion.
Example: You can easily search for users who have participated in a specific stage or users who have participated in one or more specific stages.
3. Score. This allows you to filter the participants according to the score obtained in the different games of the promotion.
Example: You can easily find the participants who have scored at least 100 points in the different games of the promotion.
4. Questionnaire answer: In the case of a Multistage promotion that includes a questionnaire in any of the stages, this filter allows you to filter the participants according to a specific answer to one of the questions in the questionnaire.
2. Apply actions to user segments
Once the filters have been applied to segment the list of participants according to the filtering criteria that we have just explained, the participant management system allows you to apply different actions on the selected user segment.
To do this, we must click on the "Apply an action to the filtered users" button to access the list of available actions:
Below we detail the different actions that we can apply:
1. Mark entries. This allows marking with the star icon all the users of the segment.
Example: You can filter all users who have not validated their email in order to mark them and have them easily identified.
2. Unmark entries. Allows to remove the star mark from all users in the segment.
3. Send an email. Allows you to create and send an email to all users of the segment using the Emails Platform.
Example: You can send an email to all users who have scored less than 100 points in the different games of the promotion to encourage them to continue playing to improve their scores.
4. Assign a Manual Prize. Allows you to assign a prize of the type "Manual assignment" to the user/s of the applied segment.
Example: You will be able to assign the prize to the users with the highest score in the games, for example, to the 3 users with the highest number of points.
5. Run a random prize. Allows to draw a prize among the users of the applied segment.
Example: This filter will allow you to run a daily raffle filtering among the users who have participated in each stage of the promotion.
6. Export users. Allows the list of users of the applied segment to be exported to an Excel / CSV list.
7. Add segment. It allows to add the filtered users to a specific segment.
8. Remove segment. It allows to remove the filtered users from a specific segment.
3. Participant data export system
The tool provides a complete system to export the data of the participants of the promotion, which will allow the data registered in the promotion to be downloaded into an Excel / CSV file.
Note: By default, the lists of participants and other information of the promotion will be sent to the email configured as the account access email. This email will include a link to download the list. If you wish, you can indicate another email address where you want to receive the information.
To access the tool, click on the "Export" button:
Below we detail the different export options that you have available:
1. Exporting users
This option allows you to export and download the list of users registered in the promotion according to different criteria:
1. All users: You will be able to export the complete list of participants of the promotion.
2. Users of a specific stage: In a multi-stage promotion, this option will allow you to select the stage on which you want to download the list of participants.
2. Exporting winners
This option allows you to export and download the list of winners of the promotion according to different criteria:
1. All winners: This option will allow you to export a complete list with all the winners of the promotion.
2. Winners of a specific prize: In case of giving multiple prizes in the promotion, this option will allow you to select a specific prize in order to obtain a list of the winners of that reward.
3. Exporting ranking
If the promotion is a Game with Participant Ranking, this option allows you to export and download the Game Ranking. Specifically, the system will allow you to download:
1. Global Ranking: You will be able to obtain the list of the Global Ranking of participants, where all the users who have played are presented, ordered according to their position in the Ranking.
2. Ranking of a specific stage: In the case of a Multi-game promotion, this option will allow you to select one of the stages in order to obtain a list of the Ranking of participants for that specific stage.
4. Exporting participations
This option will allow you to download the list of participations in the promotion. In the case of a multi-stage promotion, you will be able to select the stage in order to obtain the list of entries for that specific stage:
4. User search
The tool also provides a search engine that allows you to quickly locate all the information of a given user. Specifically, this tool allows us to search for the user either by their email or name and allows us to easily consult all the data related to the user's participation, such as:
- Date of registration in the promotion.
- Number of participations made.
- Total score of the user
- Prizes: if the user has won a prize, from here you can check the information on that prize.
- User connection country.
Additionally, the system will allow us to apply the following actions to the selected user:
- Mark. You can mark the user with the star icon in order to segment it and apply subsequent actions, such as sending an email or making a giveaway only with those who have been marked.
- Add to blacklist. You can add the user to your user blacklist if you don't want them to be able to enter your giveaways.
See all information. This option allows you to see all the user's participation data in a more agile way:
- Delete user. Click on the "trash can" icon to remove the participant. This action deletes all the user's information from the database, so you will not be able to recover it.
5. Block users and delete participations
Another tool that you have available is to be able to delete a user from the promotion. This action allows you to permanently delete all the user's data along with all their participation in the promotion. Additionally, when deleting the user, you will also have the option to block him so that he cannot register again with this email in this and future promotions.
To delete a user from the promotion you just have to click on the trash icon:
Additionally, you can click on the eye icon to view all the information of the user, for example, their participations in the promotion, where the trash icon will also appear to delete specific participations of the user in the promotion:
6. Tools
In this section you can use the following tools:
1. Last activity: This option allows you to check the latest entries made by users.
2. Quick Search: Alternative tool for quick user search by name, email, and other registration fields.
3. Requirements: In case the promotion includes the participation requirement of Validate code or Upload purchase receipt, this tool will allow you to review the content entered by users on the participation requirement screen.
4. Validation portal: If the promotion has the validation portal enabled, this tool will allow you to consult the validated codes in the validation portal and apply filters by validation point.
5. Legacy Users manager: This tool allows you to access the old participation manager.
Practical video examples
Below we propose a series of video tutorials to show you in a few seconds how to perform some of the actions that the User Manager allows you:
Export the complete list of participants
Export the winners of a specific prize
Carry out a draw among users who have achieved a minimum number of recruits
Carry out a draw among the users who have participated in a specific stage
Verify the codes redeemed on the Validation Portal
Verify the content of the Validate code and Upload receipt requirement
[Games] How to assign the prize to the first 3 players in the Ranking
[Multi-Game] Assign the prize to the fastest player of a specific stage
[Games] Run a random draw among the Top 5 players in the Ranking
Run a random draw among participants who correctly answered all the questions to a quiz
Run a random based on the answer to a question on the quiz
[Predictions] How to filter the users who have guessed the exact result of a match
Export the list of participations with prize
[Multi-Round Predictions] How to assign the prize to the participant/s with the highest score in the Ranking
[Face Off and Pick your favorite] Organize giveaways for different prizes based on the favorite option
1. How to export the complete list of participants of the promotion:
In the following video, we show how you can export the complete list of participants of your promotion from the User Manager.
2. How to export the list of winners of a specific prize:
In the following video we show how to export the list of winners of a specific prize in the promotion:
3. How to carry out a random draw among users who have achieved a minimum number of referrals:
If you have organized a Refer a friend promotion, in the following video we show how you can carry out the final draw among all the users who have achieved the minimum number of referrals you asked for. Specifically, in this example video we will carry out the raffle among the users who have obtained at least 1 referral.
Note: If you have not created the prize yet, follow this tutorial to create the "By Random Draw" prize.
4. How to carry out a random draw among the users who have participated in a specific stage:
If you have organized a Multi-stage promotion, in the following video we show how you can carry out a draw among the users who have participated in a specific stage.
Note: If you have not created the prize yet, follow this tutorial to create the "By Random Draw" prize.
5. Verify the codes redeemed on the Validation Portal
If you have used the Validation Portal to verify the promotional codes at the point of sale, from the "Users" section of the promotion, at any time you can check the codes that are being redeemed at the store, as well as download the list of users who have already redeemed their code by following this video:
6. Verify the content of the 'Validate code' and 'Upload receipt' requirement
If you have created a promotion where users must enter a valid code to participate or upload a purchase receipt or image to participate, with the User Manager tool you can check the code that each user has inserted to participate and even see the image of the purchase receipt if you have configured this option. To do this, you must follow the steps in the following video:
7. [Games] How to assign the prize to the first 3 players in the Ranking
If you have created a Game (Puzzle, Wordsearch, Memory, Hidden objects, Match It, Minesweeper, Timez Quiz), you have the possibility of assigning the prize to the player with the highest score, who will also be the fastest and will therefore be the first player on the Ranking page. In the following video tutorial, we show how to assign the prize to the top 3 players in the Ranking.
Note: If you have not created the prize yet, follow this tutorial to create the "By manual assignment" prize.
8. [Multi-Game] Assign the prize to the fastest player of a specific stage
If you have created a Multi-Game promotion, you have the possibility to assign the prize to the player with the highest score in a specific stage by following the steps in the following video:
Note: If you have not created the prize yet, follow this tutorial to create the "By manual assignment" prize.
9. [Games] Run a random draw among the Top 5 players in the Ranking
If you have created a Game, you have the possibility of running a random draw among the Top players in the Ranking.
In the following video tutorial, we show how to draw the prize among the top 5 players in the Ranking.
Note: If you have not created the prize yet, follow this tutorial to create the "By Random Draw" prize.
10. Run a random draw among participants who correctly answered all the questions to a quiz
First of all, confirm the maximum number of points that a participant can obtain after answering all the questions of the quiz correctly. This is the value that we will use to filter the finalists of the draw.
Example: If the Quiz has 4 questions and they could get 1 point per question, the maximum number of points that a participant could get is 4.
Note: If you have not created the prize yet, follow this tutorial to create the "By Random Draw" prize.
11. Run a random draw based on the answer to a question in the quiz
If you have organized a questionnaire, for example, a Survey, you have the possibility of running a random draw based on the answer to a question in the questionnaire, so that only users who have selected that answer, enter the draw.
To do this, you can follow the steps in the following video:
12. [Predictions] How to filter the users who have guessed the exact result of a match
If you have created a Predictions application and one of the questions was to guess the exact result of a match, with the User Manager tool you will be able to filter the participants to see those who have guessed the result of the match.
In particular, in the following video we show how to filter the users who guessed the match result (1 - 1):
13. Export the list of participations with prize
If you have organized a promotion with a direct prize, such as a Spin the Wheel, a Scratch & Win or a Reveal & Win, you have the possibility of exporting a file with the participations in the promotion that have a prize assigned. In this way, you will obtain a list of the prizes assigned in the promotion with complete information on the participation of each winner, which will include their name, email, name of the assigned prize, as well as the promotional code (if the prize is a code).
To do this, you can follow the steps in the following video:
14. [Multi-Round Predictions] How to assign the prize to the participant/s with the highest score in the Ranking
In the Multi-Round Predictions, users share their predictions, and their score is then displayed in the overall ranking, based on the points earned with their prognostications. In the following video, we explain how you can assign the prize to the first 2 participants with the highest score in the Ranking.
15. [Face Off and Pick your favorite] Organize giveaways for different prizes based on the favorite option
If you've created a Face Off or a Pick your favorite promotion, you can filter users by their chosen favorite option using the User Manager. From this user segment, you can run a random draw a specific prize. This feature allows you to organize multiple giveaways tailored to the options users have voted for.
In the following video, we'll guide you through the process of running these giveaways based on the users' selections.
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