2020-06-08 - New API endpoints added Follow
Easypromos provides an API that allows developers to schedule export of users that register in a promotion to integrate them in external platforms or third-party systems. This allows to automate the use and storage of leads and user data collected through the promotions.
With the objective of offering more flexible ways to export the data from the promotions, we've updated the platform with new endpoints in our API, adding them to the API methods it already offered. From now on, through the API, it's possible to export lists of unique users, the user participations and even the ranking from promotions with score.
Below we describe the new endpoints we've added:
1.- GET Api/Promotions/Users/List: List of unique users from a promotion
This API method returns the list of all unique users registered in the promotion. In promotions with auto login and multi-participation activated, only the user's registration data will be returned.
2.- GET Api/Promotions/Participations/List: List of participations in a promotion
This API method can only be applied to promotions with the login system enabled. It returns the list of all the participations of all users. For example, in a puzzle-type promotion with multiple daily entries, the method will return a list with all participations arranged in chronological order.
3.- GET Api/Promotions/Leaderboard: Ranking from a promotion
Returns the ranking of the first 100 users in a game-type promotion that has time and ranking. This call returns the list of unique users ordered by best score. Only one hundred users are returned. Basic information is included along with their score.
This three new endpoints are additional to the ones that were already available:
- GET Api/Promotions/List: List of promotions
- GET Api/Promotions/Single: Information single promotion
- GET Api/Promotions/Users/Sigle: Information about a single user
- GET Api/Accounts/Users: List of users from an account
- POST Api/Promotions/Autologin: Register a new user in the promotion
To learn more about our API, you can check the documentation here or the documentation for developers here.
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