Tutorial: Managing Prizes and Winners Follow
Easypromos provides a complete Prize and Winners Management system that allows you to create the prizes that you want to give away to the users that participate in your promotion as well as configure the way you want to assign the prizes.
In this tutorial we explain how to create the prizes, how to assign the prizes and that way obtain the winners of your promotion, and finally you will learn how to publish the Winners page that will allow you to show the winners of each prize.
Index of this tutorial:
Creating the prizes
Publishing the prizes
Obtaining the winners and assigning the prizes
Publishing the winners
Announcing the winners
1. Introduction
A promotion consists of users participating in order to obtain an incentive. The incentive is the prize of the promotion. Therefore, to be able to select a winner of a promotion, first, the prize should be created and defined.
In this tutorial, we explain how to create the prize of your promotion, how to show it, how to select the winners and assign the prize, and finally, how to publish the winners and communicate with them.
In this tutorial you will also learn the 4 different mechanics that you can use to assign the prizes to the winners:
- By random draw: you can select the prize winners among all the participants or among a segment of participants filtered by a participation criterion. You will get a certificate of validity with the result of the random draw.
- On participating: you can give direct prizes at the moment a user participates, you can for example give a coupon with a unique promotional code upon participating. You will also learn how to give away prizes dependent on participation conditions, for example if the user answers a question correctly or checks the box to receive the newsletter.
- By Instant win: you can give direct prizes depending on the date and time the participant signs up.
- By manual assignment: you can assign a prize to a user manually, for example, assign a prize to the most voted user or a user selected by a notary. You will also learn to assign prizes as a bulk action, filtering by any criterion of their participation.
- By probability (only in Spin the Wheel, Scratch & Win, and Reveal & Win): set the odds with which the prizes will be given to the participants in these Instant Prize type promotions. Define the probability of each of the prizes, ranging from 0 to 1000, with 1000 being the highest probability that a prize will be awarded. These can be combined with Instant Win prizes.
2. Creating the prize
We’ll divide the process of creating the prize of your promotion into two steps that we’ll explain below.
STEP 1: Creating the prize
First of all, you should create the prize that you’re offering the users that participate in the promoción.
Important: In promotions created in the Premium and White Label versions you can create as many prizes as needed. In the Basic version you can create one type of prize with the wanted quantity. To be able to create more than one type of prize in Basic version, it’s necessary to have a Basic monthly subscription ($29USD).
To create the prize of your promotion, you should follow these steps:
1. Access the Editor of the promotion:
2. Next, go to Prizes > Prize inventory and click on the button “Create new prize”:
3. Next, a window will open where you can select the type of prize that you want to create according to the way it will be assigned. Specifically, you can select:
- By random draw: you can select the prize winners among all the participants or among a segment of participants filtered by a participation criterion.
- By manual assignment: you can assign a prize to a user manually, for example assign a prize to the most voted user or a user selected by a notary.
- On participating: you can give direct prizes at the moment a user participates, you can for example give a coupon with a unique promotional code upon participating. You can additionally create special conditions to assign the prize. Note: this type of prize is not available in the following applications: Spin the wheel, Scratch & win and Reveal & win.
- By Instant win: you can give prizes directly dependent on the time the participant signs up. Note: It is only possible to create "Instant win" prizes in promotions that work with the Login system, such as the following: the "Instant win" application, all applications included in the "Games" category, all applications included in the category "Instant prizes", all the applications of the category "Multi-stage", and the following applications of the category "Quizzes": Knowledge quiz, Survey, Predictions, Build your team.
- By probability: set the odds with which the prizes will be given to the participants in these Instant Prize type promotions. Define the probability of each of the prizes, ranging from 0 to 1000, with 1000 being the highest probability that a prize will be awarded. These can be combined with Instant Win prizes. Note: this type of prize is only available in Spin the Wheel, Scratch & Win, and Reveal & Win applications.
4. Select the way you want to assign the prize of your promotion:
5. Next, a new window will open where you can configure the basic information of the prize with the following:
- Name of prize: This field will be used as an internal reference to your prize in the management of the promotion. It will also be the title of the prize on the public winners page.
- Short description: This will appear as the description of the prize on the public winners page. Here you can write the main characteristics of the prize.
- Units: Indicate how many units of this prize you are offering in this promotion. It should be a whole number of maximum 10 digits.
6. After clicking the Create button, the prize is created and you will be taken to the page with the list of prizes. Continue with Step 2.
STEP 2: Editing and configuring the characteristics of the prize
Once you have created the prize of the promotion, this will be displayed on the prize list. Click on the pencil icon to edit the properties of the prize you have created.
Next you will see all the options to configure the properties of the prize:
1. Name of the prize. This is the name you gave the prize when creating it, you can change it now if you want.
2. Reference. This is an internal reference that will help you identify the prize both in the internal list of users and in the user download files.
3. Short description. this is the description of the prize you defined when creating it, you can change it now if you want.
4. Prize image. This is the image that identifies the prize and is the image that will be used on the Winners page.
5. Units. This number indicates the number of units you plan to give for this prize.
6. Do you want this prize to be a promotional code?: This option allows you to convert the prize into a promotional code that the users will obtain automatically when participating in the promotion. A promotional code is an alphanumeric code that can be the same for all users or a different one for each user that wins. For the prize to be a promotional code, you should associate the prize to a codeset. A codeset is a set of alphanumeric codes that the administrator of the promotion uploads to the promotion. The prizes use the codesets to know which code to assign and in which order. Additionally, you have the option to choose to show the assigned code together with a barcode or a QR code. Please refer to the Coupons and Codes tutorial to know all the possibilities.
7. Does this prize have downloadable content?: This option allows you to give content that the users can download as a prize. By marking this option, in the winner pop-up the options “Download” and “Send by email” will be added. This content can be a document (PDF, Word, TXT), an audio file, or an image file. If you choose this option, you can upload the file that the users can download (max. 10MB), or point to the external source of the file or mark the option that Easypromos should generate a PDF with the characteristics of the prize.
If you select this option, in the Basic version it’s a standard PDF that can’t be modified, it includes the image of the prize, the name of the participant, and the instructions for use of the coupon if there are any. In the Premium version, you have the possibility to completely customize the PDF where the coupon will be presented, where you can include the unique alphanumeric code, as well as add the following elements: texts, images, rectangles and lines, a QR code validation, and you can customize the distribution of these elements in the PDF through with drag & drop.
8. Option "Allow only one prize per user": This option allows limiting a single user to win this prize only once.
Note: This option only applies to prizes with direct assignment, meaning those that are assigned immediately after participation, such as:
- "On participating" prizes.
- "By probability" prizes.
- "Instant win" prizes.
9. Virtual Coins Awarded: If the virtual coin system is enabled, this option allows to configure the prize to award coins. You can specify the number of coins the user will receive if they win the prize. In this way, upon winning the prize, the user will accumulate the specified number of coins. This option is available for all types of prize allocations, except for the "By random draw" prize. Example: In a Prize Wheel, you can create a prize of the type "By Probability" or "By Instant win" that automatically awards the user 30 coins.
10. Option to enable the "Redemption in Physical Point of Sale". This option allows you to validate the prizes at the point of sale. In this way, after winning the prize, the user can go to the point of sale to redeem it. Check all the information about the prize validation system at the point of sale.
Additionally, in case of creating a prize of the type "By participating", "By Instant Win" or "By probability", when accessing the edition of the prize, the following configuration tabs will appear:
1. "Message to winner" tab:
For promotions with direct prizes on participating, the prize is shown directly on the Final page, just after the user has completed the participation process. The prize will be shown in a pop-up over the Final page, and on this tab you'll find all the options to personalize the design and the way the message to prizewinners is displayed. In particular, you’ll be able to set up the following options:
1. Message to winner: Here you can write a message that the user will see in the pop-up when winning the prize.
2. Image to winner: you can add an image to the message to the winner to make the pop-up more attractive. It can be an image, an animated GIF o even a video.
3. Short description: this is the description of the prize that you defined when you created the prize and you can change it now if you want.
4. Instructions: if you need to add more details about the prize, for example how to redeem the promotional code or for how long it’s valid, you can use this field.
5. Text to encourage the winner to share: you can define the text that is presented together with the Share buttons to share the prize.
6. Open pop-up automatically when accessing the Thank you page: when a user wins a prize upon registration, this pop-up can be displayed automatically above the Thank you page. You can disable this pop-up so it doesn’t open automatically.
2. “Delivery conditions” tab
By default, the prize is automatically assigned to all users who participate in the promotion. But Conditions allow you to create assignment rules conditioned to the participation criteria of the users. For example, to give the prize to users that select a specific option in a drop-down list within the entry form. Here we give you some examples of conditions that you can apply to the prize:
- Example 1: Give a unique alphanumeric code as a prize dependent on a dropdown field in the entry form.
- Example 2: Give a direct prize dependent on correct answers in a quiz.
Note: Check all the delivery conditions you can apply to directly assigned prizes.
3. Publishing the prizes
Once you have configured the prize of your promotion, the next step is to prepare the winners page, which will allow you to show publically the prizes that you are going to give away in your promotion, and at the same time, it will show the winners of each prize when there are winners. You can decide if you want to publish the prizes page from the beginning of the promotion or you can publish it when you have the winners.
Note: It’s not obligatory to publish the winners page for the prize system to work. You should only publish it if you wish to show the prizes of the promotion with more details. You can control the publication of the page easily with the “Publish page” switch.
In the section Editor > Pages > Winners you will find the following tools and configuration options to customize the prizes page:
A. “Publish/Unpublish page”: allows to publish or unpublish the prizes page of the promotion.
B. Prizes: here you will find the list of prizes of your promotion, together with the options for editing each one of the prizes and the button to add new prizes.
C. Contents: here you will find all the configuration and editing options to customize the contents of the prizes page. You can choose to Show the winner search tool, which we recommend if you have more than 30 winners published. This way, the users can search by name.
D. Container: here you can configure the characteristics of the container that applies to the prizes page. The options that you can configure are:
E. Viral: from here you can define the viral messages that will be shown when users share the prizes page on their social media profiles.
4. Obtaining winners and assigning prizes
Except for prizes of the types “On participating” and “By Instant win” where the prizes are assigned automatically upon registration to the participants of the promotion, once the period for participation has ended, it’s time to select the winners and assign the prizes.
So if you have created a “By random draw” or “By manual assignment” prize as the administrator of the contest, you should follow some steps to obtain the winners and that way assign the prizes to them.
To do that, follow the steps that we explain below:
1. From the management page of the promotion, click on the “Winners” section:
2. In this section you will see the list of prizes that you have created for your promotion together with the tools to manage them.
The tools that you have available on this page are the following:
A. See the winners that have won each of the prizes.
B. Apply actions in the prizes that are pending to be assigned:
- “Run sweepstakes” button to obtain the winners randomly through a draw.
- “Assign” button to assign the prizes manually.
C. Buttons to “Publish” the winners of each prize individually. This action will make the winners show on the public prizes page of the promotion.
5. Publishing the winners
The winners of each prize in the promotion can be shown on the public winners page. In order for the winners of a prize can be seen, it’s necessary for three levels of publishing to be activated. Those are:
- Winners page. This is the page that shows all the prizes and that can be accessed from the main page of the promotion. It also has a URL that can be shared.
- The prize won has to be public on the winners page. From the Editor of the prizes, you can control which prizes are shown on the winners page. Example: In a promotion, you can have two different prizes; one big prize to be awarded through sweepstakes among all registered users, and another prize which is a discount coupon to all users that register in the promotion. In this case, you might only want to publish the big prize and not the discount coupon.
- The “show winners” option of the individual prize should be selected. Each prize has the “show winners” option. If it’s selected, the system will publish the winners of each prize in real-time when assigned. If it’s not selected, you can publish the description and the characteristics of the prize, but not the winners.
These three levels of publishing, allow you to have complete control of when and how the winners of the promotion are published. Next, we’ll explain how to manage the state of publication of each one of these three levels.
- The state of publication of the winners page that is indicated in the top part of the “Winners” section:
- Display of the prize on the winners page. From the section Editor > Pages > Winners you can decide if you want to show/hide the prize and this affects the display of the prize on the public winners page.
- Displaying the winners within the prize. Among the configuration options of each prize you will find the option: “Do you want to show the winners?”, which allows the winners to be published automatically and shown on the public winners page.
By default, when the "winners page" of a promotion is published, it displays all the prizes of the promotion, as long as the prizes are configured as visible on the page.
In this way, in case of having several prizes in the same promotion, as it may be the case, for example, of a promotion in which weekly prizes have been raffled, the "winners page" allows to have a single link to share the result of the different draws that are made.
However, there can be cases in which it may be interesting to have an individual link to share the winners of each prize separately. To solve these cases, you have the possibility to obtain a unique and different link for each of the prizes created in the promotion. In this way, you can share and communicate the winners of each prize separately.
In order to obtain the individual link of each prize, you must access the Editor > Pages > Winners, where for each prize created, you have the "link" icon, which when clicked, will open a pop-up with the individual link of that prize to be able to copy it and share it:
Winners search tool
In promotions that have a high amount of winning users, you have the option to enable the winners search tool in the winners. This option is recommended when you have more than 30 winners in one promotion. Example: You run a sweepstakes with 5,000 winners that you assign a unique alphanumeric code.
6. Communicating with the winners
Below we explain some ideas to how to communicate with the winners to be able to ease the prize fulfillment management once you have the winners of your promotion.
1. Share the link to the winners page
When you have the list of the winners, we recommend always sharing the result of the sweepstakes with the participants because, apart from contacting the winners individually, it’s good practice to inform publically to the rest of the participants so that all know who the lucky winners are.
You will find the link in the “Winners” section by clicking the “Share” button:
You can share this link on all of your social media channels and when users click on it, they are taken directly to the winners page where they can see or look up the name of the winner of the promotion.
2. Use the Email platform to inform all participants or only the winners by email
Once the promotion has ended, and if you ask for the email address in order to enter the promotion, a good practice is to send an email to all participants informing them that the winners have now been found and include the link to the prizes page to that the users can visit the page and check out the winners. You can take advantage of the occasion to thank them for their participation in the promotion.
Below we show you some examples of emails that you can create:
- Email to all users that have won any prize
- Email to all users that have won a certain prize
- Email to a specific user to send them the details of his prize
- Email to all non-winners.
In the content of the email, you can insert any characteristic of the prize using the smart tags. You can, for example, show the name of the prize the user has won, if the prize is a promotional code you can add the code and you can also customize the email with the name of the user. Check out here the most common emails that you can create and automate in the Email platform.
Note: The Email platform is not included by default in promotions created in Basic version. It can be added to the promotion as an extension for $50USD.
3. [Only for "By random draw" prizes] Share the Giveaway in Show Mode
The "Show Mode" functionality allows you to present the result of a giveaway in a dynamic format to make the announcement of the winners more entertaining and add surprise and fun to your giveaways. The platform automatically generates a video when you pick your giveaway winners. The vertical and horizontal video formats are optimized for sharing on social networks, WhatsApp, email, and other digital media.
Note: The Show Mode functionality is available for all versions of the platform (Basic, Premium and White Label).
To create the presentation of the draw in Show mode you must follow the steps that we indicate below:
1. Access the giveaway management page. At the bottom you will find the "Show Mode" section.
2. Click on "Edit" to customize the presentation. Check this tutorial to know all the configuration options you have available.
3. Finally, export the Show Mode video or use the links to share it.
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